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[JOB] Looking for supplier for vendoring
- /u/MadHatterExpressed 5th April, 2024 - 02:12 For sure, understand staying anom fully. More so was needing to know if it was fraud related or drug related as it's important to get the right people DMing you of it.

by /u/cupidkinkaid · 2024-04-05 01:05:00 in /d/Jobs4Crypto

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[JOB] Looking for supplier for vendoring
- /u/MadHatterExpressed 5th April, 2024 - 01:26 Might want to inform what type of vendor you are. The account. What you're doing (as right now it seems they'd be managing orders and supplying. Why not become their own?)

by /u/cupidkinkaid · 2024-04-05 01:05:00 in /d/Jobs4Crypto

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Rate my current OPSEC looking for advice
- /u/MadHatterExpressed 5th April, 2024 - 14:57 I think you're confusing no traces/fingerprints with opsec. You can 100% have consistent or different (preferably different) usernames across platforms without breaching OPSEC. As most operations don't require it. (Opsec is OPERATION dependent)

VPN & Tor can be used together if done properly, it adds more hops which will make your traffic stand out if done inproperly. But if layered right it won't change anything aside hiding your ISP from the fact you're using TOR (For me, This worked so well as I ALWAYS used an openVPN before. So it makes all traffic coming out of my network look exactly the same at an ISP level). Not to mention more ends of encryption. the reason using VPN + Tor is usually bad is as it gives a single entry point to TOR. But you do that regardless if you don't grab new identities enough. But its highly dependent on threat levels and your goal (if connectiveity speed is important to you. its a step that isn't worth it)

Rather you stay away from logins or not, linguistics can be used to build a BIGGER case if ever busted. I'd only mentioned it as you seemed interested in the nitty gritty fingerprinting tactics.

Most times "Darknet" is just referring to the fact it's an onion site. as its a more commonly known term but you're correct. What I mean when I say it is not surface web.

Anyway; Without knowing more details and what you're trying to be secure against. Many steps might be too much or bad opsec itself (Too much security can be a hassle and cause human error if not needed)

by /u/itYM8LXLb9YPQR5zgRhq29f1h · 2024-04-05 02:17:00 in /d/OpSec

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Rate my current OPSEC looking for advice
- /u/MadHatterExpressed 5th April, 2024 - 03:10 Ps. People will complain if you didn't have 60% empty lines lol. Formatting basics or even just manual points lists help

Anyway, without knowing exactly what your facing. Or what you're doing. It's hard to give a number rating to it (it's hard even with that information)

In fact some of the things (exp: never using a username) is redundant as if you do everything else correctly it won't matter (use new usernames on every platform if you don't want cross linking)

Main changes would be making sure your compartmentalizing fully and correctly in Qubes, ditch the iPhone for a liberty pureOS or at least graphOS on an android. iPhone is terrible for privacy now adays (if you have nothing dark web related near it. This is irrelevant). Always route VPN & TOR in layered wrapping (this sticks out more. But if done properly is more secure)

Only thing I don't see mentioned is using a common linguistic pattern. And changing activity times for darkerweb & clear net

by /u/itYM8LXLb9YPQR5zgRhq29f1h · 2024-04-05 02:17:00 in /d/OpSec

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What laptop is best for carding?
- /u/MadHatterExpressed 5th April, 2024 - 20:25 Suggest the account then I'm curious as I have wayyyy too many cards

by /u/ecto · 2024-04-05 04:33:00 in /d/Carding

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