
N/A subscribers


Review MadHatterExpressed (probably scammmer)

by /u/angrytomato · 0 votes · 2024-04-19 07:05:00

Hey every one so this is my experience after buying from madhatterexpressed. I'll keep you all updated if somehow he turned out to be legit then i'll delete this post but for now it doesn't seem like that cuz he is seeing messages but isn't replying.


Also don't thrash me in comment for not checking his vendor flair or not using escrow. I made a mistake.

Update :- http://dumpliwoard5qsrrsroni7bdiishealhky4snigbzfmzcquwo3kml4id.onion/image/85fea3db2b412dcc.png

Still no solution and the ignoring of my messages continues

Comments (3)
/u/AutoModerator · N/A votes · 19th April, 2024 - 07:05 · Link

[removed by moderators]

/u/bidibamm · N/A votes · 19th April, 2024 - 13:29 · Link

oh wow. That would be sad to see as he looked promising with his posts and knowledge. Would suck to see another decently reputable user fall in the same category as /u/unkn0wn_ and /u/nomtim eventhough i dont think /u/madhatterexpressed was an official MOD. Gotta give dread some props at least for trying to call out these characters lately. Very good for the community...

/u/angrytomato · N/A votes · 19th April, 2024 - 17:56 · Link

Yeah that's why i fell for it. He seem way too reputable but to be a scammer but in the end it is hard truth and also kudos to dread for taking action bluntly

/u/Pixels · N/A votes · 19th April, 2024 - 09:27 · Link


/u/indigo2013 · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 18:01 · Link

Dudes gone mia, shame. He seemed like an ok guy