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Ungreatful little SHITS!!!!
- /u/QuickieFlippie 📢 20th January, 2021 - 02:13 For sure bro, Thats the logical civil way to handle that situation, but blasting vendors on dread before you even give them a chance to rectify something is so childish. I think the two week rule is pretty standard and if vendors only had to deal with people asking for tracking after two weeks that would probably cut their emails down by at least 50% I have never had issues when asking for tracking I think its pretty normal and Im sure they want to know if their packs are being seized if they are professional.

by /u/QuickieFlippie · 20th January, 2021 00:33 in /d/WhiteHouseMarket

0 votes · 80 comments

Ungreatful little SHITS!!!!
- /u/QuickieFlippie 📢 20th January, 2021 - 01:15 Yup, a lot of people have never been punched in the face IRL and it fucking shows!

by /u/QuickieFlippie · 20th January, 2021 00:33 in /d/WhiteHouseMarket

0 votes · 80 comments