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July 16th - DDOS attack on-going and updates imminent
- /u/PelicanVendor 17th July, 2018 - 01:11 I told you just ask nicely and they will stop.

by /u/HugBunter · 17th July, 2018 01:06 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 34 comments

PSA: If you're going to store customer data, at least use LibreOffice + Cryptomator
- /u/PelicanVendor 24th July, 2018 - 10:00 He down-voted his own comment so far so people couldn't see my qouted text.

Whatsapp really.

by /u/SteadySupplies · 20th July, 2018 22:33 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

0 votes · 87 comments

PSA: If you're going to store customer data, at least use LibreOffice + Cryptomator
- /u/PelicanVendor 22nd July, 2018 - 03:06 >Everyone should be using whatsapp for off market communication.

I just spilled my drink..

by /u/SteadySupplies · 20th July, 2018 22:33 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

0 votes · 87 comments