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Creating a Subdread Pending Approval

by /u/hydronerd · 4th April, 2022 23:38 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 10 comments


by /u/hydronerd · 2024-04-14 23:09:00 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 49 comments


by /u/hydronerd · 2022-04-04 23:56:00 in /d/Tails

0 votes · 1 comments

Mom and Pop OXY Shop!

by /u/hydronerd · 2024-04-05 04:19:00 in /d/Opiates

0 votes · 8 comments

Comments by User

Cafe members proposal story- please don't take it serious, it's for fun(Just assumption)
- /u/hydronerd Street Vendor 🌮 14th June, 2022 - 05:03 HAHAHA late to the party today! I did not imagine the end to be like that but I do hope we see /u/WilliamGibson again!

by /u/nasyer · 13th June, 2022 05:39 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 15 comments

Banner Test and Reviews Pending Approval
- /u/hydronerd 27th June, 2022 - 22:56 /u/TTTz Thank you so much for helping on this!

by /u/TTTz · 26th June, 2022 20:01 in /d/Code_Practice

0 votes · 87 comments

Banner Test and Reviews Pending Approval
- /u/hydronerd 27th June, 2022 - 22:55 /u/TTTz Ok, lets use this one. I will post it now

by /u/TTTz · 26th June, 2022 20:01 in /d/Code_Practice

0 votes · 87 comments

Banner Test and Reviews Pending Approval
- /u/hydronerd 27th June, 2022 - 23:07 take a look at how it looks on Cafe Dread lol. I guess they are not the same size area.

by /u/TTTz · 26th June, 2022 20:01 in /d/Code_Practice

0 votes · 87 comments

Banner Test and Reviews Pending Approval
- /u/hydronerd 27th June, 2022 - 22:52 With the default size, it looks pretty good but the lady on the left is closer to the edge of then the right lady. So, your saying the banner looks centered to you with equal space on each side of the ladies?

by /u/TTTz · 26th June, 2022 20:01 in /d/Code_Practice

0 votes · 87 comments