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Backtraceability when cryptography is broken? (Due to quantum computing)
- /u/socat2me 2nd February, 2024 - 04:54 Quantum computing hasn't even managed to crack 50 bit numbers even with heavy reliance on regular CPUs for precompilation. We are nowhere close to something like 4096 bit RSA of most PGP keys being cracked by quantum computing. The main risk to RSA would be the ability to solve dual prime factorization of large numbers in extremely short time frames.

Shor's algorithm is the most relevant quantum computing algorithm related to this, but even at theoretically perfect operation with little to no error Shor's algorithm reduces integer factorization to polynomial time performance instead of super polynomial time. It's not like suddenly every single encrypted number would be revealed simultaneously. Each piece of data would need to be separately decrypted.

There are massive issues that need to be overcome for quantum computing to be reliably usable. One of the biggest problems is that quantum decoherence causes rapid destabilization of quantum bits and therefore bit state. Saying this is a problem and that we are far from their regular use is about as much of an understatement as saying it's going to be tough terraforming mars.

None of this matters though, because there is something called statutes of limitations. Unless decryption of your data is going to reveal all the murders you committed, by the time any of this technology exists it will be well past the point where the information is useable for prosecution. Likely the data will be so old that there will be no point wasting the resources required to decrypt it. Assuming we're all still alive.

Also RSA is so heavily used throughout the world that the ability to crack it will not be used lightly. It will almost surely be reserved for things like nation state threats until like, the whole world's internet and banking systems are updated.

by /u/xmrORnot2xmr · 2024-02-02 02:54:00 in /d/Monero

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Recovering Wallet w/ Seed; Do I still technically have ownership over the recieving adresses i cant view?
- /u/socat2me 2nd February, 2024 - 20:49 So what you're describing with the large copy of the blockchain is when you're running a wallet with a full local node, where you need a copy of the blockchain on your local disk. The sync speed is dependent on both your network speeds and your drive read/write speeds and can be pretty slow depending on the setup. Unless there was something wrong with the fee at the time your transaction shouldn't have gotten stuck, unless you mean just your ability to figure out how to access it and get your node synced correctly caused it to be stuck. Most likely it was the latter

On any wallet you won't be able to see your full accurate history until the wallet finishes syncing up to the current block height of the blockchain, but there's a faster and better way. If you're running the actual monero wallet with the monerod daemon and stuff then you can set it to sync using remote servers, then find a list of trusted onion xmr nodes and use one of those. It will get the sync data from the remote node.

In your case I recommend a different option. If you're familiar with the bitcoin wallet electrum it's an example of what's called a lightweight deterministic wallet. There is an equivalent wallet for monero called feather, you don't need to sync a local copy of the blockchain and it syncs much faster. The user interface is super easy to use and you don't have to worry about ever having any issues like you ran into before. Plus it takes up almost no space on your local drive. I'd highly recommend you start using feather wallet it's the best fit for your usage.

Download feather wallet and do a restore with your seed and just wait for it to sync, won't take too long and everything will be good.

by /u/doUCme23noUdont · 2024-02-02 10:58:00 in /d/Monero

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Recovering Wallet w/ Seed; Do I still technically have ownership over the recieving adresses i cant view?
- /u/socat2me 2nd February, 2024 - 12:00 The addresses are all generated algorithmically based on information unique to the wallet so you will be able to receive the funds as long as it starts getting some confirmations and your wallet finishes syncing the chain. Then you'll see the address and funds appear.

by /u/doUCme23noUdont · 2024-02-02 10:58:00 in /d/Monero

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Hydrocodone Powder?
- /u/socat2me 24th November, 2021 - 11:06 I actually don't 100% recall whether or he said they were synthesizing/extracting it there. Although to be honest, I would be extremely surprised if they weren't producing it given that they seemed to be making every other narcotic there. Cocaine is actually very commonly used for nasal surgeries as both a local anesthetic and vasoconstricting agent. I think in hospitals it's usually available in crystalline form, if I'm not mistaken. But I don't think it's prescribed and filled in pharmacies, so I'm not sure what the data is on the amount synthesized annually. I also know pure cocaine hydrochloride actually has to be stored in a desiccator because it will just turn into mush due to how fast it absorbs water, so that makes it seem like it's probably more of a for-hospital-use only kind of thing.

I'll have to ask that guy next time I talk to him.

by /u/HydroPowder080 · 2021-10-25 05:32:00 in /d/DrugManufacture

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Hydrocodone Powder?
- /u/socat2me 3rd November, 2021 - 21:44 Actually, one of the craziest details I learned from my buddy working that job is that there was almost no security at the plant. At least in terms of like, armed guards and the kind of protection you would expect. You would think a place like that would be locked down like fort knox but at least with this facility in particular it was security through obscurity.

Not many people knew what was going on there, even out of the employees that worked there. There were cameras everywhere and the actual process operators were randomly searched going in and out, and of course random drug testing but aside from that and one or two security personnel that's about it. It was also in the middle of nowhere and officially it was listed as a metallurgy plant if you looked up the address or info. Even still, I have no idea how they haven't been raided by some organized crime group at least some point in time.

There was something weird about that place, for one thing they made like every major narcotic there, I would have expected them to make all kinds of stuff in addition to their narcotics, not to have a plant that specializes in narcotics. Also, I remember him telling me about the quantities of methamphetamine they were shipping out that day (for the pharmaceutical desoxyn) being a little under 100 kilograms. I ran the numbers and just that single shipment was almost enough to meet the entire amount prescribed yearly in the US. (typical prescription is 20-25mg daily, around 16,000 prescriptions are filled annually in the US so that comes out to roughly around 114-142 kilos).

Although where's the surprise in big pharma possibly being up to some additional shadiness in the drug industry.

by /u/HydroPowder080 · 2021-10-25 05:32:00 in /d/DrugManufacture

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