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Hydrocodone Powder?

by /u/HydroPowder080 · 0 votes · 2021-10-25 05:32:00

Ik the govt keeps a close eye on the chemicals needed to manufacture Hydrocodone (at least from what ive been told..) - think there is any way to get in with a connect that is maybe on some clandestine lab type stuff. Been searching.

User: /u/socat2me

Actually, one of the craziest details I learned from my buddy working that job is that there was almost no security at the plant. At least in terms of like, armed guards and the kind of protection you would expect. You would think a place like that would be locked down like fort knox but at least with this facility in particular it was security through obscurity. Not many people knew what was going on there, even out of the employees that worked there. There were cameras everywhere and the actual process operators were randomly searched going in and out, and of course random drug testing but aside from that and one or two security personnel that's about it. It was also in the middle of nowhere and officially it was listed as a metallurgy plant if you looked up the address or info. Even still, I have no idea how they haven't been raided by some organized crime group at least some point in time. There was something weird about that place, for one thing they made like every major narcotic there, I would have expected them to make all kinds of stuff in addition to their narcotics, not to have a plant that specializes in narcotics. Also, I remember him telling me about the quantities of methamphetamine they were shipping out that day (for the pharmaceutical desoxyn) being a little under 100 kilograms. I ran the numbers and just that single shipment was almost enough to meet the entire amount prescribed yearly in the US. (typical prescription is 20-25mg daily, around 16,000 prescriptions are filled annually in the US so that comes out to roughly around 114-142 kilos). Although where's the surprise in big pharma possibly being up to some additional shadiness in the drug industry.