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Should we allow this vendor's advertisement?
- /u/PelicanVendor 9th August, 2021 - 08:14 Yes standalone shops do much better in the long run.

by /u/Paris · 9th August, 2021 02:11 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 89 comments

Fentanyl, what should we do with it ?
- /u/PelicanVendor 27th August, 2021 - 08:41 Ban it I convinced DHL to ban Fent in 2016. Ever since that I have been such a big advocate and have asked many markets.

/u/mr_white it's not about the fact that people enjoy it or will use it or you get 20 years regardless. It's about the fact it is so easy to make a mistake and end your life. Sadly I have a FEW associates that have made this very mistake... Lives ruined families, torn apart. Not in the junkie kind of way but in the I will try this just one time and bam your dead. A little too much you pass out and die or vomit and you can't move and suffocate it's just dangerous as fuck and we don't need it easy to get our hands on. This is one of the few drugs I am actually for the darknet coming together to isolate it from the world. Sure getting caught running a market the time you will do is rough. The profit you will make of fent sales is nothing on site commission. Be the bigger person and rule that shit out

Much Love,

edit: Also you got dick heads that will then mix this shit with rc benzos and sell as xanax. Strong xanax makes you black out why do you think the cartel mixes it with shit. Greedy fucks will mix it because it's cheap and strong

Also the people saying ban vendors pressing opiates. A good press you can't tell what is real and fake so that is not realistic.

You can only educate the person so much but you got some of the least educated using the dnm now that it has gone "mainstream"

by /u/[deleted] · 27th August, 2021 06:50 in /d/WhiteHouseMarket

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Write a poem for free MDMA
- /u/PelicanVendor Love Spreader 3rd April, 2022 - 23:34 You legit took a play right out of my playbook from the reddit era of /darknetmarkets

good shit :)

by /u/Pygmalion · 15th March, 2022 17:38 in /d/Mdma

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Write a poem for free MDMA
- /u/PelicanVendor Love Spreader 15th March, 2022 - 23:24 You remind me of a younger me. Godspeed!

by /u/Pygmalion · 15th March, 2022 17:38 in /d/Mdma

0 votes · 28 comments

Write a poem for free MDMA
- /u/PelicanVendor Love Spreader 15th March, 2022 - 23:25 *slow clap* that was great. Someone give this man some mdma I would but right now Pelican is in hibernation while mdma supply gets fixed. Until then I got bars... not the same lol

by /u/Pygmalion · 15th March, 2022 17:38 in /d/Mdma

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