Search results


Time to say a big THANK YOU <3

by /u/Chronos · 20th March, 2020 13:21 in /d/Chronos

0 votes · 2 comments

A message from Blitzversand

by /u/Blitzversand_Support · 6th June, 2023 13:39 in /d/TheGoodSpeedGuide

0 votes · 11 comments

Dread's CAPTCHA system is broken.

by /u/AInarchist · 8th June, 2023 07:16 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 13 comments

I aint gon lie

by /u/Playboi-Carti · 23rd August, 2023 13:48 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 9 comments

Posts by User

Clearnet Sync Issues

by /u/HugBunter · 6th March, 2023 18:15 in /d/Daunt

0 votes · 1 comments

July 16th - DDOS attack on-going and updates imminent

by /u/HugBunter · 17th July, 2018 01:06 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 34 comments

July 19th - DDOS Update

by /u/HugBunter · 19th July, 2018 22:51 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 28 comments

Dread scheduled downtime and 20k user announcement!

by /u/HugBunter · 31st July, 2018 03:46 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 61 comments

Hello, is it me you're looking for?

by /u/HugBunter · 21st August, 2018 09:53 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 52 comments

Comments by User

Acount > Saved Posts > 403
- /u/HugBunter A 13th June, 2018 - 04:29 Sorry, automod flagged this, will fix asap thank you for reporting, permissions got deleted for this page at launch mistakenly, can't believe no one else has noticed it!

by /u/Oxygen · 4th June, 2018 04:16 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 4 comments

This 3000 character limit in messages is killing me Hug.....plz halp
- /u/HugBunter A 6th July, 2018 - 05:37 Yeah it's being increased in the patch I'm pushing soon, just had to keep delaying updates to focus on other things at the moment, sorry!

by /u/PurityRing · 6th July, 2018 05:34 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 10 comments

Are Humboldt Growers Growers Legit?
- /u/HugBunter A 6th July, 2018 - 23:46 Site didn't get hacked but they were completely locked out, I'm working on getting it live again. Anything from 3 weeks ago would need to be resolved with them directly as the site wasn't even up at that point.

by /u/lilpump28 · 5th July, 2018 19:20 in /d/DankNation

0 votes · 52 comments

HumboldtGrowers is ran by a 3 year old. Threatening other vendors.
- /u/HugBunter A 7th July, 2018 - 02:42 Not much of a threat but vendors need to stop bitching about everything and if this was anything to do with HG's current issues regarding the shop, that is on me to resolve not him. He is not at fault.

by /u/FuckYourPlug · 7th July, 2018 02:39 in /d/DankNation

0 votes · 21 comments

Dread and tocha are the same persons, dont trust!
- /u/HugBunter A 7th July, 2018 - 19:17 Ah, well there are other subs to raise concerns about Tochka. It is intended to mostly have "official" market subs here whenever possible so the market staff have a neutral third party source to share updates from.

by /u/hafenkante · 7th July, 2018 13:18 in /d/TochkaFreeMarket

0 votes · 16 comments