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What is the best laptop to use for OPSEC?
- /u/QuickieFlippie 19th August, 2021 - 06:47 maybe I misunderstood your post but if you open the laptop usually the internal card is just screwed onto the board, and as I understood it you just needed to use a non intel wifi card. When u open the laptop it is most likely secured to the motherboard by 1 small screw and when u take the screw out it pops up a lil kinda like ram would, it also has antenna cables snapped onto it. By removing that I would think that would remove the problem cause then u could buy a generic usb wifi adapter to use instead. Not sure if that would solve your problem unless your were talking about the intel processor that is the problem, in that case then no you would not accomplish anything

Edit: or just going to the device manager and disabling it there, not sure if that would work either

by /u/outsidethewallsoftime · 17th August, 2021 01:26 in /d/hacking

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What is the best laptop to use for OPSEC?
- /u/QuickieFlippie 17th August, 2021 - 02:15 Im not an expert on this but what if you disconnected the internal wifi adapter and used an external usb one? Would that be a work around that would work? Anyone know for sure?

by /u/outsidethewallsoftime · 17th August, 2021 01:26 in /d/hacking

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We all are terrible persons for participating in contraband.
- /u/QuickieFlippie hlippyDicky 18th August, 2021 - 19:36 Jack Meholf is the name, and I only sell good contraband for handjobs, everyone wins

by /u/DreadDentistPatrick · 18th August, 2021 19:10 in /d/CafeDread

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Admins, please ban /d/Gays
- /u/QuickieFlippie hlippyDicky 17th October, 2021 - 00:15 Well as long as it is consenting adults...I guess whats the hard right?

EDIT: harm*

by /u/finger_me_please69 · 16th October, 2021 22:09 in /d/CafeDread

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