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Cypher Update (No update from /u/Cypher yet)

by /u/codeless · 2024-04-16 09:48:00 in /d/Cypher

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PSA: Make sure you're not on a Dread phishing link

by /u/codeless · 2023-11-22 12:35:00 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 11 comments

Comments by User

Monero Traced Successfully by the Finish Authorities in High-Profile Hack
- /u/codeless 29th January, 2024 - 15:51 From the payment path you've said he used, it seems like they could have easily got this result without tracing Monero at all.

They knew how much BTC he had, where it got converted to XMR and either the exact or rough amount of XMR he ended up with. All they needed to do is ask all major exchanges to look for someone depositing 75-100% of how much XMR he had (or whatever sort of qualifying rules), and then the BTC coming back out is easily followed again.

Seems like the most likely explanation to me.

by /u/asfaleia · 29th January, 2024 15:36 in /d/OpSec

0 votes · 85 comments

Dark.Fail thinks Incognito will "inevitably" get Seized
- /u/codeless 28th January, 2024 - 21:51 What - who said anything about Cypher?

by /u/CodeIsLaw · 28th January, 2024 19:31 in /d/CafeDread

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Dark.Fail thinks Incognito will "inevitably" get Seized
- /u/codeless 28th January, 2024 - 21:10 I don't really understand how he's having a pop at Incognito and how LE are going to bust them, talking about dangers to the darknet community.. yet his link site only lists Incognito and Archetyp from the superlist and even still has Hydra listed taking people to the BKA seizure server. Also control of the clearnet domain has now been lost twice.

by /u/CodeIsLaw · 28th January, 2024 19:31 in /d/CafeDread

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I thought Nexus Market couldn't be any more Retarded, I was wrong
- /u/codeless 1st February, 2024 - 12:00 It didn't sound like you did get the point at all to me though, just being dismissive and thinking /u/CodeIsLaw said what he did because of some sort of beef.

by /u/CodeIsLaw · 1st February, 2024 09:55 in /d/CafeDread

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I thought Nexus Market couldn't be any more Retarded, I was wrong
- /u/codeless 1st February, 2024 - 11:53 From a neutral and general point of view and nothing to do with your market or anybody else - it has always been seen as bad practice to be actively vending and a market moderator or admin at the same time. It's just better to retire from vending first, use a new name, and don't make it public about your previous vending history/identity.

The reason behind it is that if you're actively vending it gives LE another potential attack vector at getting to the market. And if you've retired from vending but people know what your previous name was, perhaps LE already have something on you sitting around gathering dust, that they then take a look at again.

by /u/CodeIsLaw · 1st February, 2024 09:55 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 27 comments