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attention funds are stolen support is helpless and critical posts are removed!!!!
- /u/QuickieFlippie 7th August, 2021 - 04:36 I really just think you fucked up somewhere and wont hold yourself accountable. I don't need to do all the blockchain analysis to figure out that you are 1 vendor, and they have a lot more then 1, I think, i dont even use them, im just trolling you cause im bored, but common sense would tell me that if they are gonna rip you off for 200 then what would stop them from ripping off a bunch of other people? why are we not hearing about this like we do in other situations where shit like this actually happens? Look in the mirror dude, take accountability for you and your team and just let it go, they asked you for specific proof 3 times, and you cant give it to them. This is the DN, are ypu actually surprised something this CRAZY could happen? I see people coming here goin nuts over 20k, get over yourself, you fucked up somewhere somehow and you just want someone else to take the blame, your probably a child

by /u/jfjfjbdsjfsjk888 · 6th August, 2021 21:34 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

0 votes · 25 comments

attention funds are stolen support is helpless and critical posts are removed!!!!
- /u/QuickieFlippie 6th August, 2021 - 22:05 next hes gonna make like 20 alts saying the same shit...peeps got way to much time on their hands.

by /u/jfjfjbdsjfsjk888 · 6th August, 2021 21:34 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

0 votes · 25 comments

Should we allow this vendor's advertisement?
- /u/QuickieFlippie hlippyDicky 9th August, 2021 - 03:19 A for Effort...seems like hes trying to help people with a website made from frontpage '98, if it turns out to be a scam then I would not let him advertise but he should at least get a chance I would say, it looks like hes trying to help people. So theres only a few outcomes as far as I can see...1. He pays for an ad for 1 month, makes no money and quits. 2. He scams a shitload of people on dread which I am sure he will be outted for pretty quickly and dread keeps the 1k and doesnt renew the ad. 3. Hes actually a dick and doxxes people who sign up for help. Those are the first 3 outcomes that come to mind, but im sure there are others that could happen. If it were up to me I would say give him a chance, worst case, he gonna dox and scam a few case, he could help a ton of people. As far as I can tell hes not breaking any rules like selling things he shouldnt unless I missed something. Just my 2 cents

by /u/Paris · 9th August, 2021 02:11 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 89 comments