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Wickr - is it really that safe?

by /u/boste · 0 votes · 18th March, 2020 20:37

I see many vendors using wickr, is just such a convenient way to communicate, its amazing.

I know they are open source and all that, but are they really safe as to be openly used by vendors?

I have heard that LE cannot intercept a message but that if you get arrested and they get physical access to your phone, then they can forensically extract deleted messages from the app. Anyone knows if this is true?

Most data I can find on the subject is outdated, back when they were not opne-source, etc.

User: /u/THClear1

yeah they are playing a long game. I always read articles about what academi is up to. and the treason investigatoin is being squashed, so it's all a black box in the wickr corp. I didn't know they went open source but I've looked at the company pretty thoroughly and it just doesn't look like an app company... or a commnications company. IDK what it is and as they say if you dont understand it, get rid of it ;-)