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Review for iflipdaily-ether wash peruvian cocaine

by /u/Kilobaby · 2024-04-26 23:35:00 in /d/coke

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Domestic US hash and rosin vendor

by /u/Kilobaby · 2024-04-27 01:47:00 in /d/DNMSourcing

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by /u/Kilobaby · 2024-04-11 05:30:00 in /d/coke

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(JOB) Facebook hacker

by /u/Kilobaby · 2024-04-11 06:03:00 in /d/Jobs4Crypto

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Multiple Ether vs Anhydrous Acetone and Choloroform Washes

by /u/Kilobaby · 2024-03-19 04:32:00 in /d/coke

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Comments by User

- /u/Kilobaby P 28th April, 2024 - 11:24 legit asf bro, /u/LeanKing is doing it right no doubt, his pints are perfect. got some wock and hi tech coming. tris is amazing as well. very good comms and friendly service cant tell really at all they arent the real from pharmacy. and i love the transparency on alll ingrediants. i tested throughly. clean thru and thru, order with confidece

by /u/pulpkitty · 2024-04-26 21:30:00 in /d/DrugHub

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- /u/Kilobaby P 28th April, 2024 - 06:24 ive heard that twice lately, i would out a burner bought with cash on there if you have too. possibly it could be left blank im not sure though

by /u/sausages · 2024-04-28 03:27:00 in /d/coke

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Clockwerk vs CalvinKlein
- /u/Kilobaby P 27th April, 2024 - 05:19 /u/clockwerk is a true legand, im a loyalist to him for many reasons... His ace wash i s great. been with him for awhile and never had a single issue, always weighs over too. ships from a non hot state too

by /u/f3arm3 · 2024-04-27 04:02:00 in /d/coke

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Will Ross Ulbricht ever be released from prison?
- /u/Kilobaby P 25th April, 2024 - 09:00 The guy got more time than EL CHAPO. Ross is no saint of course, but to think he got more time than a guy who is essentially a serial killer and an international drug trafficker is just absurd. I have faith he will get out one day, but it may be many years from now.

by /u/Haruko · 2024-04-24 16:56:00 in /d/CafeDread

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Will Ross Ulbricht ever be released from prison?
- /u/Kilobaby P 25th April, 2024 - 15:05 He got arrested about a year before Monero launched too, that pretty much guarantees all his crypto is in BTC or LTC as most other coins were not around before he was arrested in 2013. Just a thought but i remember BTC tumblers being a thing back then, i wonder if he tumbled some of the coin would it still trace back to SR. But whats really crazy is in 2021 Ross agreed to relinquish any ownership of a BTC wallet with 50,676 BTC yes you read that right. That is worth almost 3.4 Billion today with a B. There was a hacker that stole the funds from SR back in 2013. The government literally sold almost 10k BTC worth 216 million back in March 2023 out of Ross BTC wallet, Then proceeded to send 2000 BTC back to Coinbase, on top of that a government owned wallet moved over 30k BTC nearly 2 billion to another government wallet and this was in the past couple months. The government is absolutely fucking this man. Sammy Gravano, John Gottis right hand man, can admit to actually murdering 19 people and walk free. Then 20 years after they let him go, he gets busted as a XTC kingpin and his whole family was in on it and he is walking free with a youtube channel. What Ross did, although he definitely deserved time for his actions, was peanuts compared to so many others that have extremely violent charges and many more counts of those charges.

I think he has served his time as it was non violent and nobody was killed at the end of the day. i believe he derserves to be paroled as a pardon is highly unlikely. Having said all of that i do have a great deal of respect for the guy, SR was truly revolutionary and a precursor to everything that is seen today. He is paying with his life, and may as well be a martyr, while all of us get to enjoy the updated opsec and knowledge which he just didnt have access to at the time. If i was Ross i wouldnt touch a computer for no amount of money, you cant put a price on your freedom, and you can guarantee if he does see society again he will be monitored closely probably for the rest of his life.

Ross is a very intelligent well educated individual if he didnt create SR, he would have most likely done something that contributes positivity to society and not be what he is made out to be. ill finish with saying with as much BTC and power the guy had when SR was in its prime, it seemed to change his MO. The situation got way out of hand and it was mostly due to arrogance and egotism, and lets be honest looking from the outside in, Ross doesnt look like hes very street smart, and although technically savvy this would be his downfall. He got outsmarted in a world he had no business being in,trying to do what he did. Blinded by the need to feed his ego and proved nothing to anybody in the process.

by /u/Haruko · 2024-04-24 16:56:00 in /d/CafeDread

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