
N/A subscribers


[Megathread] Pharoah Identity Theories

by /u/stayinginnovative · 0 votes · 10th March, 2024 11:59

For anyone wanting to find me, created this thread for all threories

- ex-Empire RaaS vendor
- magician ransomware

- world market admin

- controlled by feds

Keep them coming, I need some reading to go with my piña colada

Comments (10)
/u/emerald_citi · N/A votes · 11th March, 2024 - 02:33 · Link

American. Early 20's, perhaps still a teenager. First generation. Parents emigrated. Ambitious. Muslim background but you don't practice. No family beyond your parents or a distant sibling, few friends. You maybe have not even been laid yet. Your appearance is adequately groomed but otherwise unremarkable. Average looking. Technically competent but immature and naive. Would test highly on an IQ test but couldn't handle an in-person drug deal or get through asking a girl out without broadcasting creepy at 200 decibels. The fact you made this post kind of underscores your own immaturity. You may not even be old enough to drink (you've never had a pina colada lol, it just sounds like something a smug adult would say) or cash out your gains, which is why you're posting questions like this to Dread days after you robbed everybody. You literally don't have anything to spend your money on beyond converting some XMR and ordering a PS5 from Newegg. Probably playing Spiderman2 while you shit post. Look forward to your info dumps so when the USDOJ grabs you out of your parents' house and trades you your own coin hoard for freedom in 25-years we can all find out what you look like and laugh at you.

/u/gibralt41r · N/A votes · 11th March, 2024 - 22:20 · Link


/u/BRITSHEROIN_LOVER · N/A votes · 14th March, 2024 - 19:51 · Link

hahaa i loved it!! i just upvoted u bro! thumb up fro me

/u/CodeIsLaw · N/A votes · 11th March, 2024 - 03:49 · Link

/post/344b12b9dd38749a7dd1 - So this isn't you? /post/1e8a07c8c9008406bb4a/#c-551d93bc8512658b3a - Same Guy who was Tech Coder for Pot Luck Market? The Market you ran before Incognito, but you had to rebrand because you hired a P named /u/Blonger. The owner of Onion.Live claims you own Tor.Link and used to be his Tech Dev aswell but he could just be talking shit, anyway If you never made that Ransomware , why were you advertising for People to Spread it on Empire Market Subdread using the same account you used as Tech Admin of /d/PotLuck?

/u/emerald_citi · N/A votes · 12th March, 2024 - 04:53 · Link

Oh my god. You ARE magician. And I have your handwriting - on the work flow for a dark market no less. You're paying everything back /u/stayinginnovative or you're going to die in jail

/u/0verdosed · N/A votes · 11th March, 2024 - 06:50 · Link

Well we know he isn't straight because no straight man would ever say they are drinking a piña colada total gae thing to admit publicly

/u/Reveal1119 · N/A votes · 13th March, 2024 - 01:39 · Link

unless ur asian... then its "american" to drink pina colada in mexico u know...

/u/0verdosed · N/A votes · 13th March, 2024 - 02:51 · Link

The only real exception..

/u/Reveal1119 · N/A votes · 13th March, 2024 - 02:54 · Link

exactly... i mean the dosxx man wouldnt but, like... kimjongUHG might u know??

/u/Hourglass · N/A votes · 11th March, 2024 - 18:30 · Link

Ahmad Gaber Elneel System Engineer Sidi Gaber, Alexandria, Egypt

/u/CodeIsLaw · N/A votes · 11th March, 2024 - 22:07 · Link

Some guy kept sending me that in a Message as well but he wouldn't provide any proof.

/u/Gambetta · N/A votes · 15th March, 2024 - 05:43 · Link

never trust Egypt man too much.

/u/xman3312 · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 15:03 · Link

if you are sure, and there's a good bounty against him, please contact me, I'm on the ground and have people who take care of this sort of stuff, I can even take requests and make them video the whole shit.

/u/MIgBachine · N/A votes · 11th March, 2024 - 22:20 · Link

defiantly was me!

/u/snorkelstone · N/A votes · 13th March, 2024 - 03:18 · Link

Defiantly, adverb, in a defiant manner : in a way that is full of or shows a disposition to challenge, resist, or fight

/u/Hourglass · N/A votes · 11th March, 2024 - 22:32 · Link

Me too. How strange

/u/Hourglass · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 21:02 · Link

It was just a joke!!! Don't worry, doxxing is not allowed in dread :P

/u/xman3312 · N/A votes · 21st April, 2024 - 08:08 · Link

Also, it's not him, I confirmed.

/u/Hourglass · N/A votes · 21st April, 2024 - 08:41 · Link

"You confirmed" Like if you actually knew who is him lol

/u/xman3312 · N/A votes · 21st April, 2024 - 13:04 · Link

I actually located this Ahmed Gaber, and personally made sure he's not the person in question, I don't know about Pharaoh, I just know it's not this Gaber guy.

/u/Reveal1119 · N/A votes · 11th March, 2024 - 04:52 · Link

/u/codeislaw is for sure feds... i will sleep with they/them as vetting and dna collection. u pay lab fees. call for reservations...

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 11th March, 2024 - 15:31 · Link

So no leaked data? You were just that front-end kid sucking /u/curlydock's dick. Feel how this money you earned from that exit is pure void.

/u/Reveal1119 · N/A votes · 13th March, 2024 - 01:38 · Link

if anyone needs a fem voice to sppoof i can contribute to any audio... moaning etc... might get him to click a link or attachment u know...

/u/tridentusagemaster · N/A votes · 21st March, 2024 - 14:39 · Link

My theory is if you ever crossed my path in real life I'd slit your throat and laugh while you stared at the blood spilling from your own neck, knowing death is coming soon. And I didn't even lose any money, I would just kill you for shits and giggles because youre a little nerdy bitch

/u/CodeIsStupid · N/A votes · 11th March, 2024 - 03:18 · Link

/u/CodeIsLaw SKID

/u/CodeIsLaw · N/A votes · 11th March, 2024 - 04:07 · Link

Lol, I already know he /u/m461c14n, He tried to hire people to work for his last Market, who knew about him closing then launching Incognito. I have already linked the Posts below, showing he was the Tech Coder for /d/PotLuck and that He posted the Ransomware-as-a-Service Ad in /d/EmpireMarket under the same account. /post/344b12b9dd38749a7dd1 /post/1e8a07c8c9008406bb4a/#c-551d93bc8512658b3a And the thing Is, I didn't even find the Dread Post about the Ransomware-as-a-Service til I had already looked at the Date Range where he was using that name as Tech Admin and the Date there were Samples of m461c14n Malware submitted for Analysis and realized the usernames are the same, the dates are close, this could be the guy, Then I go to Dread, and find that there is posts there too offering this RaaS from the same Username /u/m461c14n. So here is the Logic. I already know he owned Pot Luck Market there is no question about it. So naturally I look for the Staff List and find there are 2 PR guys and 1 Tech/Coder, Now Pharoah seems to be the one that is in Charge of Tech at Incognito so it would be Logical to assume he was the Tech at Pot Luck which was /u/m461c14n, so naturally I search the clearnet for m461c14n and find that Malware Shit in the same sort of Time in 2020, I think this looks similar to what he's doing here on Incognito, then on Dread I find the Posts about the Ransomware-as-a-Service in /d/EmpireMarket subdread from the same account that was Tech Admin for Pot Luck. Or is this just Retarded Logic?

/u/emerald_citi · N/A votes · 12th March, 2024 - 01:17 · Link

Or is this just Retarded Logic? Oh my god. You're right. He is Magician. This is absolutely correct. I actually have some inside information here. And. Something quite a bit better..

/u/BRITSHEROIN_LOVER · N/A votes · 14th March, 2024 - 19:50 · Link

WELL WELL, id say by NOW, u must know who the pharoah is? im willing to bet you may ha very good idea of who he is? i hope to god u do and u might hav bit of info about this guy! :-)