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Today is Monero's 10th birthday and anniversary!
- /u/ziggy1983 19th April, 2024 - 12:47 Thank You Monero :)

by /u/HeadJanitor · 2024-04-19 02:34:00 in /d/Monero

0 votes · 34 comments

Great way to USE UP ya loose change.....LOTTO LOVE!!!
- /u/ziggy1983 📢 🍼 15th April, 2024 - 11:03 I hate to ask but how with the numbers underneath do you check , it says something like Sha512 hash for this week (reduced by last 8 characters): 22790504f~~~~~~~5691aee087eda119a1d8475b8100b6f0d3d8fc52f7~~~~~~94f2~~~~~~~~~~~~~d48570b2~~~~~~~~

~~~~~numbers taken out as copy paste

So how i use this long sequence to check ect

by /u/ziggy1983 · 2024-04-14 08:14:00 in /d/Archetyp

0 votes · 3 comments

TWO? Pharnacy2u?, seen posts said us vendor but one on archetyp uk2uk..........only interested in this.
- /u/ziggy1983 📢 🍼 9th April, 2024 - 09:09 thx, followed advice did that. Reckon the uk's check more of the threads then you think.

by /u/ziggy1983 · 2024-04-07 08:17:00 in /d/Xanax

0 votes · 6 comments

TWO? Pharnacy2u?, seen posts said us vendor but one on archetyp uk2uk..........only interested in this.
- /u/ziggy1983 📢 🍼 7th April, 2024 - 08:19 SO xanaxexpress..........same as xanaxexpressuk? auto mod use those processers

by /u/ziggy1983 · 2024-04-07 08:17:00 in /d/Xanax

0 votes · 6 comments