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Darknet Markets News 01-29-2023

by /u/samwhiskey · 2024-01-29 16:52:00 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

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Posts by User

New Moderator.....

by /u/walter499 · 4th August, 2021 03:26 in /d/coke

0 votes · 16 comments

It appears WHM has shut down for good.

by /u/walter499 · 12th October, 2021 21:06 in /d/WhiteHouseMarket

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Comments by User

Where to find most up to date onion URL for dread
- /u/walter499 Knows Things 30th March, 2021 - 02:07 Its definitely a good link, dreads v3 hasnt changed recently. A 500 error on dread almost always means you need either a new circuit or a new identitity in tor, one of those should work. Dark.Fail is pretty reliable as far as links go.

by /u/bunnyfufu · 30th March, 2021 01:02 in /d/DarknetMarketsNoobs

0 votes · 20 comments

New Moderator.....
- /u/walter499 📢 The Bill Nye of coke 4th August, 2021 - 04:00 honestly... only because i got tired of seeing the same flairless ads week after week, and the occassional scammer, that were never moderated. Why have rules if you dont enforce them :) So i am mainly watching the vendor ads, scamming etc. This is the only active coke sub on the entirety of the DN at the moment, i would hate to see it go to shit with no mods, lol.

by /u/walter499 · 4th August, 2021 03:26 in /d/coke

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New Moderator.....
- /u/walter499 📢 The Bill Nye of coke 4th August, 2021 - 03:44 i provide you with an excemption to that rule, you can stupidly doxx yourself, or smartly doxx yourself, to your hearts content :)

by /u/walter499 · 4th August, 2021 03:26 in /d/coke

0 votes · 16 comments

New Moderator.....
- /u/walter499 📢 The Bill Nye of coke 4th August, 2021 - 04:32 i'm generally only missing when dread is missing, lol.

by /u/walter499 · 4th August, 2021 03:26 in /d/coke

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New Moderator.....
- /u/walter499 📢 The Bill Nye of coke 9th August, 2021 - 02:30 what paris and effwrk said. No hard feelings if you are back and want to unmod me, just wanted to make sure someone was keeping the lights on while you were away :)

by /u/walter499 · 4th August, 2021 03:26 in /d/coke

0 votes · 16 comments