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u/ChemicalsInChains O-DSMT review

by /u/transdrainer2 · 2023-05-23 20:56:00 in /d/rcsources

0 votes · 8 comments

ChemicalsInChains O-DSMT review

by /u/transdrainer2 · 2023-09-26 08:21:00 in /d/rcsources

0 votes · 7 comments

Comments by User

Giving out free Bromazolam.
- /u/transdrainer2 + 2 17th April, 2024 - 21:30 i'm in the US and would be interested in sampling & reviewing ur powder!

by /u/BenzoBros · 2024-04-16 18:42:00 in /d/rcsources

0 votes · 12 comments

anyone else getting messages from "black market"
- /u/transdrainer2 3rd February, 2024 - 21:01 lmao i was on a shitload of ketamine when i wrote this my bad for misspelling steroids haha
i maintain my stance that grouping steroids & benzos together in a single category is very silly - they are two entirely different groups of substances with completely different effects. and other than that i saw a bunch of other miscategorized stuff like benzos in opioids, opioids in psychedlics, stimulants in dissociatives, etc. ofc this kinda thing happens on pretty much every market unfortunately but i noticed it was particularly egregious on blackpyramid

by /u/mrbenzo666 · 2024-01-12 10:20:00 in /d/Dread

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anyone else getting messages from "black market"
- /u/transdrainer2 13th January, 2024 - 05:34 yeah lol i checked it out for fun and it looks like shit. terrible UI, like half the listings are in the wrong categories, they have one single category for sterioids & benzos (???) def one of the least legit looking markets i've ever seen

by /u/mrbenzo666 · 2024-01-12 10:20:00 in /d/Dread

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- /u/transdrainer2 + 2 18th May, 2023 - 23:24 dang i rly love 2map i hope it's not gone off the face of the earth at this point :/ i did just recieve my odsmt from u tho & will be giving it a try this weekend! glad u continue to stock that cuz it's tied w 2map for my favorite chem :)

by /u/ChemicalsInChains · 2023-05-15 07:31:00 in /d/rcsources

0 votes · 6 comments