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signpost directory list sites full of child porn at the top of their site. DO NOT USE
- /u/southernCall 📢 17th March, 2022 - 18:23 Deleting now that it's fixed. I know dread doesn't want the word child porn on the frontpage THANK YOU PARIS

by /u/southernCall · 17th March, 2022 16:19 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 38 comments

signpost directory list sites full of child porn at the top of their site. DO NOT USE
- /u/southernCall 📢 17th March, 2022 - 17:02 The way they are linked is that it is pinned to the cafe

by /u/southernCall · 17th March, 2022 16:19 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 38 comments

signpost directory list sites full of child porn at the top of their site. DO NOT USE
- /u/southernCall 📢 17th March, 2022 - 16:41 NO. I think they didn't look at signpost directory before they pinned it. IT SHOULD BE REMOVED

by /u/southernCall · 17th March, 2022 16:19 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 38 comments