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why is monero actually better than btc

by /u/pimpleduck · 2024-03-31 01:30:00 in /d/Monero

0 votes · 6 comments

Comments by User

Is this the best OPSEC ?
- /u/pimpleduck 28th April, 2024 - 03:03 all laptops u mentioned r either xpensive or dont disable ime (like framework

by /u/FacebbokAdsPro · 2024-04-27 23:59:00 in /d/OpSec

0 votes · 14 comments

How to get a school shut down
- /u/pimpleduck 🍼 12th April, 2024 - 23:41 just dont brag about it at school and dont talk to the cops like other kids did

by /u/zankyu · 2024-04-11 19:19:00 in /d/SocialEngineering

0 votes · 10 comments