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ketamine needles vs sugar

by /u/imsosick · 2024-04-15 01:16:00 in /d/serotonininc

0 votes · 2 comments

how long would a pack from NL take to ship to US?

by /u/imsosick · 2023-07-13 23:52:00 in /d/DNMSourcing

0 votes · 1 comments

Comments by User

whats up with bohemia?
- /u/imsosick 1st December, 2023 - 05:58 same here smh, sad thing here is that half of it isnt even my money.

by /u/metalgeardonkey · 30th November, 2023 20:49 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 36 comments

how much does using a fake name increase risk?
- /u/imsosick 20th April, 2024 - 03:43 glad i can help homie. just chillax a little bit youll be fine. as long as you didnt use a name like Ham Burglar or some shit you should be fine, even then youll prob be okay. wish you luck bro!

by /u/normallegalguy · 2024-04-19 23:39:00 in /d/DarknetMarketsNoobs

0 votes · 13 comments

how much does using a fake name increase risk?
- /u/imsosick 19th April, 2024 - 23:50 if its domestic youll prob be good if it doesnt weigh too much, overseas however it will get extensively searched

by /u/normallegalguy · 2024-04-19 23:39:00 in /d/DarknetMarketsNoobs

0 votes · 13 comments

ArcheLotto Pot ~ Archetyp preparing for exit?
- /u/imsosick 20th April, 2024 - 20:17 however i dont know how credible this is, but someone named /u/ FBI_WhistleBlower_2 who claims to be a FBI Psychologist (hence the name) that is trying to crack down on "the criminal organization known as Archetyp." they have 2 posts describing what the leader might look/act like. even a post recording his every move while under surveillance. then again i dont know how credible it really is xD.

could be a troll for all we know hence the post saying shit like this -
"13:48 - suspect pulls up on a gas station
13:49 - a white woman enters the car from the passenger side
13:51 - suspect gives money to the woman
13:52 - suspect receives oral sex from the woman
13:54- woman leaves the car "

so a seize may be possible, which i wouldnt doubt with how mainstream the site is getting. with people like /u/DoingFedTime making content on the clear net exposing vendors names/products/country of origin, and describing features of the website. i really hope the site lasts long and has a good reputable run.

by /u/[deleted] · 2024-04-20 19:22:00 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 11 comments

ArcheLotto Pot ~ Archetyp preparing for exit?
- /u/imsosick 20th April, 2024 - 20:05 i was thinking the same thing, there have been no winners at all in the past 5 draws. i really hope archetyp doesnt screw us over like the other sites. especially when we're possibly willingly being manipulated into putting money into a third party's crypto account. it would genuinely hurt if they exit scammed lol i love every feature about the site

by /u/[deleted] · 2024-04-20 19:22:00 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 11 comments