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🦃 Thanksgiving ADB-Butinaca Giveaway Winners 🦃

by /u/uv32 · 2023-11-28 21:58:00 in /d/rcsources

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Posts by User

11 months off fentanyl today

by /u/fenrirthewolf · 11th February, 2024 13:00 in /d/CafeDread

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Whats the best way to extract raw opium?

by /u/fenrirthewolf · 2023-11-11 09:09:00 in /d/DrugManufacture

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by /u/fenrirthewolf · 2023-11-20 18:39:00 in /d/rcsources

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Comments by User

11 months off fentanyl today
- /u/fenrirthewolf 📢 13th February, 2024 - 07:05 I'm able to manage on my script of addy and valium, then I'm on a med for my schizophrenia, and I smoke weed but I got a 3.6 gpa in college rn and I'm starting a new job this week

by /u/fenrirthewolf · 11th February, 2024 13:00 in /d/CafeDread

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11 months off fentanyl today
- /u/fenrirthewolf 📢 13th February, 2024 - 06:32 I think my brain has been improving in time, i'm even back in school now and right after my OD i wouldnrt have been able to write all this lol

by /u/fenrirthewolf · 11th February, 2024 13:00 in /d/CafeDread

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11 months off fentanyl today
- /u/fenrirthewolf 📢 12th February, 2024 - 15:20 So i come from a lineage of all types or addicts. Was born to two homeless teenage addicts in phoenix, got put up for adoption so i didnt get groomed into the hells angels like my dad was. Grew up on the east side of detroit, was gang bullied so bad in 5th grade i got beat up so bad i was in the ER with brain bleeding. was diagnosed with aspergers and adhd was put on 30mg of adderall at 6yo, got roofied at 12 and molested later that same year n didnt tell anyone cuz i thought i was going to hell (fuck catholicism), started stealing my foster dads vicodin at 13, by 16 i was best friends with the main plugs in my hood. my foster family was super catholic and abusive which made my BPD worse and i was super suicidal 15 till i took shrooms for the first time at 18. but i was the black sheep of my foster family so i ran away all the time. I'd always stay with my only blood relatives in michigan who are GDs. Started selling my addy and psycedelics, got into cocaine heavy and was selling it too. by 17 I was smoking a gram of heroin a day, taking a mg or two of clonozolam a day. Barely graduated not bc im not smart but bc i skipped too much. i tried adulting for a few years being a functional addict, but i was taking like 200mg of adderall a day on top of the clam and heroin (by this tijme it was def fent). Had a fatal overdose so bad the University of Michigan has been doing a case study on me (if people are interested i can ask my doctor for like a write up of what happened). I still suffer from brain damage from that fentanyl od. Its taken like 3 years to regain my brain functioning. Now im almost a year sober, I reconnected with my birth family at 17 but now that my dad is a month sober everybody is sober. i got my little sister now too shes my everything. Shes 16 and shes the only person id kill for. Let me just say, that feeling i got being with my birth family again after so long was exactly what i was chasing the heroin high for. That warm fuzzy love feeling. I never felt that ever growing up.. Hugging my mom for the first time felt better than any opioid ive done

by /u/fenrirthewolf · 11th February, 2024 13:00 in /d/CafeDread

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11 months off fentanyl today
- /u/fenrirthewolf 📢 12th February, 2024 - 05:58 I MEAN YEAH IM A HOOPER BABY, AND I DROPPED OUT OF SCHOOL I WAS TOO CONNECTED

by /u/fenrirthewolf · 11th February, 2024 13:00 in /d/CafeDread

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11 months off fentanyl today
- /u/fenrirthewolf 📢 12th February, 2024 - 05:59 The people i hung around when i did and sold coke introduced me to my first dog plug

by /u/fenrirthewolf · 11th February, 2024 13:00 in /d/CafeDread

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