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by /u/dread1922forlife · 2024-04-29 16:58:00 in /d/OpSec

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Social Media Awarness

by /u/dread1922forlife · 2024-04-29 17:10:00 in /d/OpSec

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Hardening TOR for more security

by /u/dread1922forlife · 2024-04-29 17:30:00 in /d/OpSec

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Comments by User

if all cpu has backdoor on it
- /u/dread1922forlife 🍼 29th April, 2024 - 16:42 its a psyop

by /u/kaopla · 2024-04-29 15:37:00 in /d/OpSec

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- /u/dread1922forlife 📢 🍼 29th April, 2024 - 17:08 WHAT NOT TO DO:
1. Do not talk about Darkweb with anyone IRL
- This should be common sense, yet a lot of people break this "rule".
Loose lips, sink ships.
2. Not using 2FA or encryption
- ALWAYS use 2FA whenever available for any login. Whenever making orders, please encrypt your
address using local software and not via website.
3. Using outdated PGP Key strength.
- Use RSA4096 with a password that cannot be brute forced.
4. Saving packages of your orders as some type of trophy.
- We highly advise that once you receive a package, dispose or burn the package after emptying it.
5. Not cleaning your house/computer/phone
- Common sense. Clean your house/devices at least 2 times per week.
6. Using Windows or mobile phone for browsing and logging into markets
- We recommend always using either Whonix or TAILS to access anything darkweb related.
7. Not encrypting sensitive text/files
- A lot of people do not know that they can also encrypt entire files, not just text.
8. Not encrypting hard-drive
- Using programs like VeraCrypt with good encryption algo and password should keep LE outside of your
9. Weak password
- Do not use 123456 as your password. Include combination of high, low caps, numbers and symbols.
Strong password should be 16-32 characters.
10. Contaminated packaging gear
- For vendors. Always use gloves and whenever you touch something iffy with them, make sure to
remove them before touching anything.
11. Snitching on yourself
- If you are doing anything illegal, do not post it on social media or take pictures of it.

by /u/dread1922forlife · 2024-04-29 16:58:00 in /d/OpSec

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- /u/dread1922forlife 📢 🍼 29th April, 2024 - 17:06 USE MONERO
Its all fine and dandy if youre being payed in bitcoin but you should be converting that coin to xmr
before cashing out. If you dont have a method for cashing out monero then you can convert your BTC to
XMR and back to BTC again. Be sure to send different amounts of money through the exchange at
different times to avoid time correlation.
If you have scraps from shipping boxes or labels you should never throw them in your own garbage can.
This has already burned a lot of vendors. Instead you should burn them or dump them in a garbage that
isnt linked to you.
If youre involved in illegal activity you should find yourself a reputable defense. Lets say shit hits the fan
and you get busted and taken to jail, when youre locked up youre not going to have the resources to
find someone to defend you. Set aside some cash and make a few phone calls, youll be happy you did.
You guys know those posts i make about darknet busts? Yeah? Well read them, and take notes! Many of
those posts include good information like how investigations were started and how LE surveilled its
suspects. You should be reading through these and taking notes on what TO do and more importantly,
what NOT to do. I mean, cmon, its FREE!
Have you ever read about a vendor bust where LE didnt find a ton of drugs in the vendors home? Yeah,
me neither. Your drugs and supplies should never be stored in your own home. Run your operation at a
different location. And if you think your going to hide those drugs in a fake Mountain Dew bottle youre
wrong, LE will find them. And they have dogs that are trained to sniff out tech gadgets too so make sure
that thumb drive is in a safe place.

by /u/dread1922forlife · 2024-04-29 16:58:00 in /d/OpSec

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- /u/dread1922forlife 📢 🍼 29th April, 2024 - 17:05 WEAR A DISGUISE
when dropping off packages. Pretend your Jason Bourne or something. Wear a hat, glasses, baggy pants,
long sleeve shirt, and a mask to hide your identity. And ONLY wear that disguise when youre dropping
off packages.
Whether its to buy stamps, pick up boxes, or pick up/drop off packages you shouldnt be doing it. Those
places are covered in cameras and you can do all of these thinigs elswehere. Not to mention they
require ID to send a package. Way too many vendors get busted this way. Instead you can get yourself a
label printer and print your own labels payed for with crypto. You can also pick up boxes/envelopes at
your local office supply stores for FREE.
Need baggies? Visit your local smoke shop. Need a vacuum sealer? Go to Wal-Mart. Dont be that guy
who gets busted because he ordered all of his vending suplies off Amazon.
When youre packaging orders you should be wearing atleast 2 layers of gloves to prevent prints from
being left on packages. In some cases, depending on what product you sell, residue on the glove might
leave a more visible finger print. Gloves also tear so you dont want to finish packaging your orders for
the day to then realize that your glove is torn and youve left fingerprints on all of your packages.
Have you ever sat down to eat just to find a hair in your food? Disgusting, right? Well not to LE, they
want all the hair they can get and they WILL use that hair against you. Wear a hairnet and long sleeve
shirt or even better a coverall paint suit when packaging orders.
Basically this means that you shoudlnt log into your vendor account at the same times every day. If
youre being watched by LE and keep the same schedule it will be incriminating when they compare your
online times to what youre doing in real life.

by /u/dread1922forlife · 2024-04-29 16:58:00 in /d/OpSec

0 votes · 8 comments

- /u/dread1922forlife 📢 🍼 29th April, 2024 - 18:43 Glad you enjoyed it. will keep posting :)

by /u/dread1922forlife · 2024-04-29 16:58:00 in /d/OpSec

0 votes · 8 comments