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PGP encryption software for mac OS

by /u/darkishdesert · 2024-05-07 05:56:00 in /d/DarknetMarketsNoobs

0 votes · 1 comments

virtual carding *NEED HELP*

by /u/darkishdesert · 2024-05-07 10:36:00 in /d/Carding

0 votes · 7 comments

is russain marketplace and biden cash a scam

by /u/darkishdesert · 2024-05-07 12:25:00 in /d/Carding

0 votes · 3 comments

Comments by User

My First Carding
- /u/darkishdesert 🍼 7th May, 2024 - 05:00 im new to this carding world. If i find a legit vendor and just say i get a card and the persons address is in the USA, Can i simply have a VPN on go onto a store out the card details in make sure the billing address is the card owners address and put the shipping as a dead drop address. I know this isnt the safest just running a VPN but would this still work or do i need the vpn to be the same location as the card holder? i am also using a macbook so i do i need a mac address changer? i've heard so many different things from different people. What is the CMD dnsFlush and CMD ip release and renew and why do you need to do a timezone check? also what exactly is SOCKS5? is this all stuff i NEED for purchasing online to work or can i simply do as i said before turn a vpn on and put the datails in (i know thats not the safest way just asking if it would still work doing that way) sorry for all the questions but i am completely new to this especially because the country i live in carding isnt really a known thing and my country has alot of security measures in place to detect this stuff. Please someone help me out with some answers just want to learn and build knowledge like everyone else. Much appreciated, stay safe

by /u/lord707 · 2024-05-06 18:18:00 in /d/Carding

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virtual carding *NEED HELP*
- /u/darkishdesert 📢 🍼 7th May, 2024 - 12:20 someone said use a virtual machine and run SOCKS5 and make sure my virtual machines timezone is the same as the cardholders. would this work. Also he said russain market is a scam is that true?

by /u/darkishdesert · 2024-05-07 10:36:00 in /d/Carding

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virtual carding *NEED HELP*
- /u/darkishdesert 📢 🍼 7th May, 2024 - 11:57 how do i find the guide where in the subreddit is it? and so i shouldnt use a VPN? someone said i should have a vpn and socks5 on at the location the card holder is in. also do you know is bidencash is a good reliable marketplace for these. sorry for all the questions in a newbie

by /u/darkishdesert · 2024-05-07 10:36:00 in /d/Carding

0 votes · 7 comments

Update on carding
- /u/darkishdesert 🍼 7th May, 2024 - 12:22 when you ordered the gift cards did you use SOCKS5 and did you run a virtual machine and was its timezone the same as the cardholders? im new to this and have been told different things by so many people

by /u/unavailabletrojan · 2024-05-07 11:07:00 in /d/Carding

0 votes · 4 comments