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A message from Blitzversand

by /u/Blitzversand_Support · 6th June, 2023 13:39 in /d/TheGoodSpeedGuide

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why is nemesis market not I cluded on dread
- /u/chickpea1999 15th September, 2023 - 18:39 why would you even use nemesis... iam fr, you have bohemia, cannabia, archetyp, and a LOOOOOT of fuck lot other options, but nemesis? whats the point lol...


by /u/ksnssisndj · 15th September, 2023 02:11 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 13 comments

Why is Rust bad?
- /u/chickpea1999 28th December, 2023 - 19:49 dat shit useless mane, learn sum useful like javascript, python, c++, idk man, something u can use, learning rust is like learning some fucking ancient old ass language, okay yea you knowit, and? u are going to start delirating and talking in latin with fucking trees? yeah you aint

by /u/DancingSunflower · 28th December, 2023 18:11 in /d/programming

0 votes · 7 comments

Vendors To Avoid (Blitzversand Edition) OneMillion is back
- /u/chickpea1999 Maestro del Free Sample 5th June, 2023 - 11:21 Add Tomandjerry, they are the most shitty scammers lmao

by /u/talibandonkey001 · 1st June, 2023 20:18 in /d/SpainIsDiferent

0 votes · 23 comments

Is Nemsis market actually a scam market
- /u/chickpea1999 17th August, 2023 - 11:04 [removed by moderators]

by /u/[deleted] · 17th August, 2023 09:03 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

0 votes · 14 comments