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ShimShai Review: Scammer, Liar, Thief.

by /u/chagamushroom · 27th April, 2022 04:08 in /d/CafeDread

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Donate to Help Save the Future of Monero

by /u/chagamushroom · 2021-11-12 05:09:00 in /d/Monero

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Comments by User

How much escrow money was stolen by shady Monopoly admin at the end of last year?
- /u/chagamushroom 1st January, 2022 - 15:46 Its likely much more than $600k could be more like $6M. The escrow period was 30 days. A single vendor can easily have $60k in escrow during that period. The story was that escrow was extended to 30 days because of covid but everyone knows that is complete bullshit as mail was never delayed that long in any country. I doubt people would continue to believe the 30 day covid story for much longer. In the meantime the dickhead admins were amassing a fortune locked in escrow waiting to be stolen. It was a beautiful setup on their end and its a shame vendors fell for a 30 day escrow from an unstable admin that was generally a complete asshole to anyone and everyone.

by /u/marketdowntimexplained · 2022-01-01 14:16:00 in /d/Monopoly

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Monopoly Vendor Relocation List
- /u/chagamushroom 3rd January, 2022 - 15:42 Thanks for creating this post and sorry to all the great vendors who got fucked by this piece of shit admin

by /u/TTTz · 2022-01-02 16:52:00 in /d/Monopoly

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ShimShai Review: Scammer, Liar, Thief.
- /u/chagamushroom 📢 15th May, 2022 - 15:05 Im trying to imagine weighing out 100kg on a tripplebeam. Sounds exhausting.

by /u/chagamushroom · 27th April, 2022 04:08 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 12 comments

ShimShai Review: Scammer, Liar, Thief.
- /u/chagamushroom 📢 27th April, 2022 - 17:13 Exactly. I really didnt want to bypass escrow but I thought you know what? This guy is way into DMT. I mean this isnt coke or meth or heroin. Its the universes substance of love. He has to have some integrity working with this stuff, right? But I guess not.

by /u/chagamushroom · 27th April, 2022 04:08 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 12 comments

ShimShai Review: Scammer, Liar, Thief.
- /u/chagamushroom 📢 30th April, 2022 - 05:17 Did you read the post? Ive been trying to get an order or a refund for 10 weeks now. He ghosted me before he went on "vacation" and lied to me over a dozen times in the past two months about my order and refund. All the details are here for you to read.

by /u/chagamushroom · 27th April, 2022 04:08 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 12 comments