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Counterfeit AUD

by /u/bkstreetathlet3 · 2022-08-17 07:50:00 in /d/DarkNetAustralia

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LSD Vendor shipping to Aus

by /u/bkstreetathlet3 · 2022-09-07 02:23:00 in /d/DarkNetAustralia

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Counterfeit AUD
- /u/bkstreetathlet3 📢 17th August, 2022 - 10:39 This is true, Australia has gone to extreme measures to make counterfeiting hard, I've come across some $50 notes in real life off some mates but never off DNMs. I've got a bunch of messages in my inbox telling me to send "such and such" a message on wickr or telegram. Scammers. lol. I won't bother unless they're a vendor on a market.

by /u/bkstreetathlet3 · 2022-08-17 07:50:00 in /d/DarkNetAustralia

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besides Abacus or Alphabay
- /u/bkstreetathlet3 21st August, 2022 - 08:59 I decided to check out AB today and your right there are some good oz vendors on there, i like abacus its easy to use but i find it hard to get onto it a lot of the time too. A dedicated Aus DNM would be nice.. I just find it a bit more expensive than international obviously but atleast its quicker lol

by /u/Schapellecorby · 2022-08-20 06:28:00 in /d/DarkNetAustralia

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besides Abacus or Alphabay
- /u/bkstreetathlet3 20th August, 2022 - 07:32 I find ASAP pretty good and im in AUS, i hop between Abacus and ASAP, dont use AB that muh but that could change. have you had good experiences with it?

by /u/Schapellecorby · 2022-08-20 06:28:00 in /d/DarkNetAustralia

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Domestic travel
- /u/bkstreetathlet3 21st August, 2022 - 00:34 just wrap it up in a glove finger a couple of times, make sure its airtight, and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. I don't know how thorough their body scanners are but usually if its in your "bank vault" you're good to go. A lot safer than trying to hide in your luggage or pockets etc.

by /u/Q1Z45 · 2022-08-20 22:00:00 in /d/DarkNetAustralia

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Is it possible to "safely" use fent?
- /u/bkstreetathlet3 22nd August, 2022 - 06:21 Fentanyl can easily be used safely, as thousands of people worldwide do you just need to respect the drug, and thats right, it takes the smallest amount of it to kill you. We used to use the patches here in Aus and im not an "opiate feind", you just need to know how to safely use and dose fent. But yes, there are a lot of people out there who would throw away their pills because they test positive for fent, some poeple are dead against it, i dont know weather its because they've lost someone to the drug or they just have no idea about how to properly dose it or theyre just plain scared of it, but moral of the story is, if you're going to use it, use it in moderation, have respect for it because it IS a VERY powerful drug for people who are opiate naive. I have had some great experiences using fentanyl but at the same time i have lost a few mates from it aswell. Double edged blade. Peace

by /u/mostlyretarded · 22nd August, 2022 - 05:53 in /d/DarkNetAustralia

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