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Hey Vendors

by /u/bigdog729 · 2024-05-04 09:54:00 in /d/DarkNetAustralia

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Whats in Inc's Tucibi ?

by /u/bigdog729 · 22nd December, 2023 07:53 in /d/Test4Pay

0 votes · 33 comments

Product Testing - April - Bigdog729

by /u/bigdog729 · 2024-04-22 01:04:00 in /d/DarkNetAustralia

0 votes · 24 comments

Update and announcement from BD Poll

by /u/bigdog729 · 2024-04-12 05:23:00 in /d/Test4Pay

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Comments by User

The Naked Truth of Paris
- /u/bigdog729 P 2nd April, 2024 - 04:51 Elegant prose without the burden of superflous adjectives.

by /u/Paris · 1st April, 2024 15:52 in /d/CafeDread

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Whats in Inc's Tucibi ?
- /u/bigdog729 📢 P The Labcoat Mod 30th December, 2023 - 17:02 Second lot of third party testing FTIR.

Ketamine 35-40%, mdma 25-30%, caffeine 15-20%, uncertain match 10-15% by the infrared spectrometer. It tested negative for fentanyl or fentanyl analog and negative for benzodiazepine with the test strips.

by /u/bigdog729 · 22nd December, 2023 07:53 in /d/Test4Pay

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Whats in Inc's Tucibi ?
- /u/bigdog729 📢 P The Labcoat Mod 30th December, 2023 - 16:13 It was the tuci.

by /u/bigdog729 · 22nd December, 2023 07:53 in /d/Test4Pay

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Whats in Inc's Tucibi ?
- /u/bigdog729 📢 P The Labcoat Mod 22nd December, 2023 - 17:43 I see your point 100% but inc ain't chemists they are in the business of selling drugs. Not making drugs, selling them. When their supplier provides them poorly they want to know about it just as much if not more than we do. They are honourable people in my experience, if there is ever any question a product may be dodgy and I'm made aware in time to bring it to their attention they will arrange for me what I need for testing. But if that batch is out its out. I know it may seem like im being overly nice to the inc team but they have always been happy to work with me. They have no requirement too do so and at times it has made things difficult for them. Screening their products by t4p and even myself alone has caused them many issues, this has always been discussed and sorted like gentlemen on both sides.

1. There is no possible way that they could test each batch coming through due to the turnover rate.
2. Even if they could the turnaround time is such that it would be unrealistic.
3. Who takes vendors labs as the truth ?

There is more to it than that but I assure you the inc team so there darndest.

Inb4 BD is a paid inc shill, If I must cop that then I will gladly. As its not the truth and the truth always comes out.

by /u/bigdog729 · 22nd December, 2023 07:53 in /d/Test4Pay

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Whats in Inc's Tucibi ?
- /u/bigdog729 📢 P The Labcoat Mod 22nd December, 2023 - 13:00 Sadly reagents aint going to help with this sort of thing, maybe a seperation kit (paper chromo) with reagents but even still. This is not really able to be analysed without something like GCMS. Which we will jump onto asap.

by /u/bigdog729 · 22nd December, 2023 07:53 in /d/Test4Pay

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