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Chain hopping (ethereum)

by /u/Vector_Company · 2024-04-26 19:17:00 in /d/OpSec

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Churning monero

by /u/Vector_Company · 2024-04-27 12:29:00 in /d/Monero

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churning monero on qubes

by /u/Vector_Company · 2024-04-27 15:37:00 in /d/OpSec

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Comments by User

How can I access a website anonymously which blocks tor, proxies and VPNs.
- /u/Vector_Company 📢 6th May, 2024 - 17:04 Thank you very much, do you know where I can purchase a residential proxy?

by /u/Vector_Company · 2024-05-06 16:57:00 in /d/OpSec

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Monero Traced Successfully by the Finish Authorities in High-Profile Hack
- /u/Vector_Company 30th January, 2024 - 16:03 I think that after this hack, they put all of the authorities on high alert. That amount of money being cashed out with monero through a centralised exchange probably raised flags and the idiot gave them access to their computers.

by /u/asfaleia · 29th January, 2024 15:36 in /d/OpSec

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Monero Traced Successfully by the Finish Authorities in High-Profile Hack
- /u/Vector_Company 30th January, 2024 - 13:23 Was this individual using tor on tails / whonix-qubes and using separate computers for each monero wallet? If he didn't, a police officer could have been on the non kyc exchange if it was on a platform such as agoradesk and he/she could have traced the IP and figured out who the person was.

They then could have watched his activity and found out he was using binance and arrested him on the suspicion of this crime as a result of the police agent on the non kyc exchange tracing the original bitcoin from the hack.

In conclusion, if this individual did use tor on tails or whonix-qubes, this could have been prevented as his activity on the non-kyc exchange would not have been able to be traced back to him.

This is a theoretical analysis on how he could have been caught but god knows what his opsec setup was like. Would doing everything over tails or whonix qubes and using seperate laptops for the different wallets which have tails on them prevent me from getting caught? I would not save the wallets I am about to use for the laundering on tails in the persistance as I would delete them afterwards but who knows?

by /u/asfaleia · 29th January, 2024 15:36 in /d/OpSec

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Monero Traced Successfully by the Finish Authorities in High-Profile Hack
- /u/Vector_Company 30th January, 2024 - 13:24 You can only really put drug money in your bank account if you have thoroughly laundered it and you have your story as to where it has come from completely straight.

by /u/asfaleia · 29th January, 2024 15:36 in /d/OpSec

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Churning monero
- /u/Vector_Company 📢 27th April, 2024 - 15:29 Would it be enough if I do 50/50 to 2 seperate wallets? Can I do all of this on the same computer with tails/qubes or should I get seperate computers for each wallet?

by /u/Vector_Company · 2024-04-27 12:29:00 in /d/Monero

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