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Hello from from ASAP Market. No, we're not returing back.
- /u/UberShop P 7th May, 2024 - 06:52 You guys are legends, best market ever, we was on the same journey with you from day one ❤️❤️❤️

by /u/LeChacal · 2024-05-05 19:21:00 in /d/CafeDread

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Can I trust a vendor with no Recon feedback?
- /u/UberShop P Merchant 20th May, 2022 - 07:02 some vendors dont register on Recon and they are not so accurate as we should have thousands of XP and we only have a few hundred
there are some guidelines for purchasing off new merchants for the first time, keep value low is at least one of them or make a few small purchases so they understand if it goes bad the vendors metrics can be effected

by /u/neetgf · 20th May, 2022 06:53 in /d/Bohemia

0 votes · 8 comments

Bohemia and Vendor Accounts
- /u/UberShop P Confirmed Market Vendor 10th October, 2023 - 15:36 yeah FUD can be damaging

by /u/HeadJanitor · 10th October, 2023 15:04 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

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Bohemia and Vendor Accounts
- /u/UberShop P Confirmed Market Vendor 10th October, 2023 - 15:23 I believe some vendors have been using listing software, so yeah we believe vendors that use listing software are been banned for flooding,
maintenance down time, its mind blowing the shit the markets need to deal with

by /u/HeadJanitor · 10th October, 2023 15:04 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

0 votes · 95 comments