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🗽 Would We Need Money In A Perfect World?
- /u/Therealjillvalentine 🍼 2nd May, 2024 - 19:44 I write dystopian novels, and even though I am Christian, (yes, Christian and surfing the dark web X3)
I have a very nihilistic view when it comes to the Earth. I believe that without God, it's destined to fail; you have people who create things, build things, govern things, and give birth to things...However, the corrupted spirit of humanity means that while some might do good, others will try to undue that good done. This makes a perfect world impossible. No doubt my idea of a perfect world differs from other people's concept of a perfect world---To the lonely, a perfect world is a world where everybody gets a spouse. To somebody who wants to be alone, this would be a dystopian.
To the builder, a unionized world is a utopia, but a dystopia for people who want to divert power to the business owners.
Both sides can write the perfect dystopian novel, and both would be right; the Time Machine novel actually depicts this pretty well when it showed a world where the working class is separated from the societal class. This was pretty interesting, and shows how perfectionism when committed to by the imperfect is just problematic in the scheme of things, if there is no true unity.

by /u/Libertarian_ · 2024-05-01 15:05:00 in /d/CafeDread

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🗽 Would We Need Money In A Perfect World?
- /u/Therealjillvalentine 🍼 1st May, 2024 - 18:39 Scifi dystopian writer Jill Valentine here.
Let's snatch out the good o'l Bible, and read it for a bit.

"The blind can't lead the blind. Both will fall in a ditch".

A quote from the scripture. So because Earth doesn't exactly know what people want, they can never give people truly what they desire. They can't read each others minds, which means I can give a sundae to somebody who wanted a hockey stick.
The sundae ice cream may be good for me, but given in repeat to somebody who doesn't want it, its a nightmare.

It's the same with real world politics and laws; I can force a leader nobody wants, but to them it's a hellhole if they don't support them.

And so it's impossible to make a perfect world here on Earth.
God knows our intentions, He knows what we want, and so heaven is pure perfection; we get a mansion, we get food, shelter, we get loved ones and loves ones who passed away who are believers will be there (I have two uncles who are dead I'm wanting to see, along with some friends and my grandmother).
No, heaven doesn't have ghettos, or stores, or even a currency system, nor is there a sense of time.

Earth, however, has all the things that hinder us. It's like me, I can say I want a spouse, but if the spouse don't want me, then I'm just going to be a nightmare for them; hence, a dystopian.
And so personally I believe without a doubt it's impossible for humanity to create a utopia, it just is. And the more you try to, the more dystopian it is.

by /u/Libertarian_ · 2024-05-01 15:05:00 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 20 comments

So are we not going to talk about Cyber Trucks being used as Money laundering?
- /u/Therealjillvalentine 📢 🍼 22nd April, 2024 - 19:44 Why don't you get down on your knees, and suck me off, fag? XD
Go back to reddit, and kys, fag

by /u/Therealjillvalentine · 2024-04-21 23:46:00 in /d/CafeDread

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So are we not going to talk about Cyber Trucks being used as Money laundering?
- /u/Therealjillvalentine 📢 🍼 22nd April, 2024 - 18:05 Well if you're so smart, what is money laundering than?
Go on, tell it to me in your own words. L_L

by /u/Therealjillvalentine · 2024-04-21 23:46:00 in /d/CafeDread

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Tip for gamers: Emulate your games
- /u/Therealjillvalentine 📢 🍼 22nd April, 2024 - 19:43 Wow, so THIS is why Dread can't hold down any members. Everybody here is a dickhead. XD
I'll read, whatever the fuck I wanna read, fag

by /u/Therealjillvalentine · 2024-04-22 18:02:00 in /d/CafeDread

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