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Suicide hotline numbers

by /u/ugu · 2020-08-27 09:08:00 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

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Why does the home page say nothing about the issue?
- /u/StrayaCunt69 19th April, 2019 - 05:57 Thanks man, but respectfully i am overly cautious on this site, and not that into uppers .
I'm sure you mean well.

by /u/firehelper1 · 19th April, 2019 02:54 in /d/WallStreetMarket

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Why does the home page say nothing about the issue?
- /u/StrayaCunt69 19th April, 2019 - 05:36 Dude, it's around $45 Million AUD they have collectively taken.
Also have you had a look at the Block-chain? Split into 120-185BTC Lots among a few separate wallets. (Hmmm, wonder how many admins there was?)
It hasn't all just be slunked into one big wallet, that would be believable, but that big wallet split into 3-5 million dollar lots, really gets the old noggin joggin', fucking sucks ass.
I have deadass no money to loose, i can only make an order around once a month, and sure enough my order gets popped in the second the exit. Fuck my life.
If i am wrong (which i'd be a couple hundred on) i'd almost pass out, it would be such a shock for some honestly amognst criminals.
Not all of us are scummy, some just want to use medications in a world that discriminates against those who have spent 10 seconds reading about pharmacology.

by /u/firehelper1 · 19th April, 2019 02:54 in /d/WallStreetMarket

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This Is Super Fucked
- /u/StrayaCunt69 21st April, 2019 - 14:08 I wish i could have inboxed Med, i would have just said "I will beat you to death", i fucking love saying that.
This isn't really being humble, but i'm a big cunt and i'd bet i could kill around 90% of people hand to hand lmao, Med come toss with me, you know my address.

by /u/msc99 · 21st April, 2019 01:18 in /d/Dread

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This Is Super Fucked
- /u/StrayaCunt69 21st April, 2019 - 02:03 Bahahaha, maybe i'm seriously fucking nihilistic, but i couldn't give a shit.
The police come around "nah mate, haven't got anything, you can come in and have a look". End of story, worst case scenario (for small buyers/personal)
"yes, i bought some (weed/painkillers/whatever) for my chronic pain,anxiety, depression (helps if you actually are using it for that). You wouldn't get jack shit for small amounts, fuck these cunts.

by /u/msc99 · 21st April, 2019 01:18 in /d/Dread

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This Is Super Fucked
- /u/StrayaCunt69 21st April, 2019 - 14:15 I'm hanging in, i was stabilizing a little, but all this stress is going to make me fucking quit my drug holiday, really could go for some top notch H right now.

by /u/msc99 · 21st April, 2019 01:18 in /d/Dread

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