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GUI wallet Monero
- /u/Postal2 🍼 3rd April, 2024 - 20:42 Yeah

Exchange ==> your xmr wallet ==> market

This way Exchange see your xmr wallet deposit address, but cannot see your market deposit address,
just remember you should not withdraw your funds from market back to the same xmr wallet seen by your exchange before, because in case of market bust they will link it, because both exchange and market know your address, it will be tied to your identity.

Also remember to buy and send more xmr from your exchange to your xmr wallet than you will be depositing to market, this way it wont match up and it wont be easily tied to your identity.

Check this thread for more details⚠️

I pasted it for you:

This is the first installment in a series on bad practices concerning the use of private cryptocurrencies in darknet transactions.
It is an attempt at compiling the available knowledge on the subject in the hopes of fostering a better community understanding of the safe and effective use and (current) limitations of private cryptocurrencies.
I welcome discussion and skepticism on this topic. If you spot any inconsistencies or would like me to add a case be sure to leave a comment. I want to let you know in advance that the formatting of this post is suboptimal and will be improved.

- KYC Exchanges share information with Law Enforcement.
- Markets can't be trusted to properly delete, obfuscate or otherwise make irreducible your deposit history.

Key takeaways:
- Always route coins through a wallet you control
- Don't use addresses more than once
- Prefer big crypto purchases to those that fulfill a single order

All transactions in this post are XMR -> XMR transactions, later installments will deal with BTC -> XMR, XMR -> BTC and roundtrip transactions as well as other cryptocurrencies.

#1. Don't send directly from an exchange to a market.

Exchange -> Market

Both exchange and market know your market deposit address.
A market bust can link your KYC information to your market account.

Exchange -> Wallet -> Market

#2. Don't use the same address to receive money from an exchange and a market.

Tx1,2: Exchange -> Primary address -> Market
Tx3: Primary address <- Market

Both the exchange and the market know your primary address.
A market bust can link your KYC information to your market account.

Tx1,2: Exchange -> Subaddress 1 -> Market
Tx3: Subaddress 2 <- Market

Subaddresses can not be linked to each other without the private view key.

Creating new subaddresses:
CLI: address new
GUI: Receive -> Create new subaddress

#3. Your exchange withdrawal history shouldn't match your market deposit history.

Tx1,2: Exchange -[3 XMR]-> Wallet -[3 XMR]-> Market
Tx3,4: Exchange -[1 XMR]-> Wallet -[1 XMR]-> Market
Tx5,6: Exchange -[2 XMR]-> Wallet -[2 XMR]-> Market

In the event of a market bust your market deposit history may match up with your exchange withdrawal history (both in timing and amounts), possibly linking your KYC information to your market account.

Tx1,2: Exchange -[6 XMR]-> Wallet -[3 XMR]-> Market
Tx3: Wallet -[1 XMR]-> Market
Tx4: Wallet -[2 XMR]-> Market

Buy more crypto than you intend to spend. Buy enough crypto for multiple orders.

by /u/mannequin9999 · 2024-04-03 20:20:00 in /d/Monero

0 votes · 3 comments

Looking for anonymous Tor crypto swap service with low fees to receive another crypto than chosen by sender
- /u/Postal2 📢 🍼 3rd April, 2024 - 20:19 it's network fee needed to send crypto to them + 1% for their swap + network fee required to send swapped coins to me, right?

by /u/Postal2 · 2024-04-03 18:44:00 in /d/Monero

0 votes · 9 comments