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Amer1canSpirit Missing for over 7 days now. Hope He's Good his account isnt there on archetyp anymore. Im worried.
- /u/PepsicanFizzydrink 🍼 29th March, 2024 - 23:10 Hope everything's good with him. His 2FDCK is absolutely phenomenal, I ordered a little over a half ounce a while back and it quickly became my favorite drug of all time. No other vendor has been offering disso RCs with that level of quality at a low price lately, and I've been eagerly anticipating his return to place another big order.

by /u/LegalizeFentalogues · 2024-03-29 20:10:00 in /d/rcsources

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Is SerotoninInc trustable?
- /u/PepsicanFizzydrink 🍼 31st March, 2024 - 19:47 I've only done one order with SerotoninInc, escrow order on Archetyp. Best price for an 8ball of ket I've ever come across, and quality was quite good. Delivery was pretty quick. I'm not the best judge for ket potency, it's all relatively weak to me as I wracked my tolerance from years of PCP addiction (i require over 500mg to k-hole minimum unless i boost my dose with a stronger RC) but SerotoninInc's ket seemed to be of average or strong potency.

by /u/ficklefiend · 2024-03-31 18:51:00 in /d/ketamine

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