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- /u/N1Team 📢 9th June, 2022 - 18:51 Thank you for your reply and time /u/Paris :) This is Mary Captain of N1TM, we understand the issues, but just for the diversity of the situation we are through, please notice that our stats from world market and other markets are on Royal Market too! as long as on Abacus Markt.?.. so how can recon has not sync our recs from almost none market? just a small notice since you cant do something immediately:(, we respect all of your effort, hope you got your issues fixed since its not a small thing due to the huge traffic you are dealing with, and would really appreciate, if you could look our issue again the soonest, or if bug is fixed keep us in mind please:)
much love and appreciation, Mary/Captain Moderator/N1TM

by /u/N1Team · 8th May, 2022 18:54 in /d/Recon

0 votes · 2 comments

Is anyone here not a criminal?
- /u/N1Team 9th June, 2022 - 19:45 hahah..good question :)) though here is freedom land ;) criminals are the ones that criticize freedom of expression,speech or action or hurt/detain people for their own good/benefit(see goverments, etc..) good post though..hahaha

by /u/Krash · 4th May, 2022 04:01 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 52 comments

Is anyone here not a criminal?
- /u/N1Team 9th June, 2022 - 19:37 hahaha:) 10/10 to questioner_ 20/10 to answerer_:)) hahaha love.M.

by /u/Krash · 4th May, 2022 04:01 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 52 comments