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WARNING CocaineBrain has been working with LE for several months.
- /u/LawEnforcementALERT 📢 31st August, 2021 - 18:12 Not that would really be 100% verifiable and without causing problems for myself. I expect this post will probably be removed eventually. But there are 100% vendors here that cocainebrain has approached in private to become part of their team in the past 2 months. Some have accepted this offer, he is targeting them.

by /u/LawEnforcementALERT · 31st August, 2021 18:01 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 24 comments

WARNING CocaineBrain has been working with LE for several months.
- /u/LawEnforcementALERT 📢 31st August, 2021 - 18:07 Vendors will know he has been targeting them once they see this.

by /u/LawEnforcementALERT · 31st August, 2021 18:01 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 24 comments