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Looking for real amphetamine
- /u/KetaDrone 13th April, 2024 - 13:43 Hey check out any of the following, note I cannot vouch for any as I have yet to order but I will probably try MBL first. All 3 USA vendors claim to sell pure Amphetamine Sulfate. I have done a LOT of research though. I feel like my list is a good starting point but this is all through dreadit posts and Private messages.

Domestic USA:

MBLVisring (Offers racemic and dextro amphetamine sulfate. I hear quality is great although the goodspeedguides subdread seems to be filled with shill reviews, but good product is good product).
White List (Lesser known but I believe sells top gear).
SerotoninInc (New but seemingly reputable vendor but he popped out of nowhere with a huge offering list, odd but good reviews so far)


GordonAlles (Top tier pure amphetamine OR dextroamphetamine sulfate OR phosphate, but LONG shipping times).
SpeedLab (Speed paste, must be washed but good yields and quality after).
Blitzversand (Speed paste, must be washed but good yields and quality after).

Edit: You can also look into Pygmalion. I hear he had some quality issues with 4-MMC and shipping months back but I *think* he resolved them? Just do your own research there because I have not kept myself up to date).

by /u/La3ry1137 · 2024-04-12 14:35:00 in /d/AbacusMarket

0 votes · 6 comments

Extra gram opportunity *only on the SuperMarket
- /u/KetaDrone 12th September, 2023 - 23:10 At the risk of being the village idiot, what/where is my buyer handle?

by /u/snowbunni · 2023-09-12 14:52:00 in /d/Super

0 votes · 55 comments

Extra gram opportunity *only on the SuperMarket
- /u/KetaDrone 12th September, 2023 - 19:52 I am excited to try this market out and maybe take a snag with Safeway! snowbunni is cool!

by /u/snowbunni · 2023-09-12 14:52:00 in /d/Super

0 votes · 55 comments