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Why Business are weak in CyberSecurity?
- /u/GenmaShiranui 4th May, 2024 - 01:01 My theories below

1. Companies outsource their IT to companies they have no ability to vet. They also have no incentive to vet them since they are mostly concerned with liability, and the IT company is the one liable in theory. However in practice they may be located in countries that are protective of their Tech industry and would be reluctant to mess with them.

2. Some programmers / Sysadmins especially ones who are just doing it for the money learn the flashy stuff like Frameworks and completely ignore any opsec training. The flashy stuff is incentivized because people who do not understand programming can appreciate it. These programmers getting in positions of responsibility through promotions may never take the time to learn about op sec or securing PII

by /u/Sh4d0wLurk3r · 2024-05-03 19:04:00 in /d/hacking

0 votes · 6 comments

Ripping all Mods from Nexus Mods. How much should someone charge for this?
- /u/GenmaShiranui 📢 🍼 18th April, 2024 - 21:56 Yes, for every game. But It's practical to start with Elder Scrolls Morrowind. Because their is a sourceport of it that uses entirely free software. The base game is free as in freedom. But the mods are locked. I'd start with games that have free as in freedom options.

by /u/GenmaShiranui · 2024-04-17 08:21:00 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 4 comments

[Hearing from you] Activism that you want
- /u/GenmaShiranui 🍼 18th April, 2024 - 21:59 Damn, you are a condescending jerk. I'm not going to engage with you.

by /u/TheInfoMerchant · 2024-04-18 21:08:00 in /d/Activism

0 votes · 12 comments

[Hearing from you] Activism that you want
- /u/GenmaShiranui 🍼 18th April, 2024 - 21:51 * Environmentalism
* Free Software (Free as in Freedom not Price)
* Animal Rights. Copyright abolishment, as long as a work is distributed unaltered in whole. CC No derivatives license.
* Anonymity and Privacy
* Right to view websites without javascript.

I think Free Software is the cause that could use the most support. I think there is enough awareness about Environmentalism. Most people have made their minds on what they think about it. Free software as in freedom could use some awareness and actually has a good chance to convert new people since there are alot of people who still have not even heard about it as a cause.

by /u/TheInfoMerchant · 2024-04-18 21:08:00 in /d/Activism

0 votes · 12 comments