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Stolen Crypto Wallets

by /u/Brichston · 2024-04-27 17:04:00 in /d/Fraud

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Ever Think About Becoming a New Person?
- /u/Brichston 🍼 28th April, 2024 - 01:23 I'm new to all this shit as I just did a couple decades in prison. So, say in canada , it's the going to the consulate that scares me. They're going to expect you to be fluent in Español. I can look Mexican with dark tan etc , but what , go get Rosetta stone and spend a few months first learning the language and common. Vernacular?

So obviously if I'm a Mexican citizen with a passport , and no record, I could travel anywhere.
I definitely think it's a tempting idea. Idk , what kills me is my kids. But yeah, be nice to have if I ever have to dip in a hurry.

Well thanks for the info I was enlightening.. If I ever want to pull the trigger on thus, which is a possibility, , I'll hit you up.

One more question. Sites that offer escrow sound righteous, and it's a smart move for both parties.. But how would a buyer know if it's nit like a fake escrow and the vendor himself can access your cash anyway ?

Just wondering

by /u/anonymousdood · 2024-04-26 03:27:00 in /d/FakeID

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Stolen Crypto Wallets
- /u/Brichston 📢 🍼 27th April, 2024 - 19:35 OK my bad thank you. I get uptight if I think I look stupid. But you answered a question for me, that it is possible to use an escrow system on sites that don't boast their own escrow. Whether you will find a participating vendor is a whole other matter.
My thing is, if UT is legit , there should be no qualms about using said escrow services.

Like I don't even know what a bank drop is lol. So many acronyms. In prison I heard about this crazy world, for years I dreamt of what it would be like , now I'm here.
I wouldn't mind finding cards I can use or get cash back. Another thing that made me wary was these western union info package. It just don't make sense

by /u/Brichston · 2024-04-27 17:04:00 in /d/Fraud

0 votes · 12 comments

Stolen Crypto Wallets
- /u/Brichston 📢 🍼 27th April, 2024 - 19:15 Well I guess I'm worse than the most stupid guy.
Just a question because I been in prison fir 29 years. All of this is alien to me. As you read 8n my post that was rhe very thought that had me suspicious. Again the fact they offered escrow with the deal it just seemed , I don't know , maybe possible ?? I see the amazing things people can do with credit cards now, the list is endless. So crypto??? I'll always ask questions on that shit.
So do you think I'm a stupid guy ? Or a newbie that wants to employ dye diligence???

by /u/Brichston · 2024-04-27 17:04:00 in /d/Fraud

0 votes · 12 comments

Stolen Crypto Wallets
- /u/Brichston 📢 🍼 27th April, 2024 - 17:21 That's exactly why I'm asking. To nit get scammed. It just threw me off that it was a site that offered escrow services , so I was having a hard time figuring out the scam if it was one.
So your assertion is that there is no such thing as someone selling stolen crypto Wallets with access ?

by /u/Brichston · 2024-04-27 17:04:00 in /d/Fraud

0 votes · 12 comments

Stolen Crypto Wallets
- /u/Brichston 📢 🍼 27th April, 2024 - 17:14 Yay I actually completed a post and got a response. Well thank you sir. Ine other thing, would it not be smart to find sites that use escrow , especially for something like this ?
And , for the sites that don't have escrow , is there a way to still get escrow services from an outside source? That way I can ask the guy if he would mind doing it Luke this and in actuality, it would make it safer for both parties

Again, thank you for taking the time. I've seen some responses on here to new guys that were uncalled for. Obviously someone new , especially in a domain like the dark web, they're going to ask questions. Everyone was new at some point.

by /u/Brichston · 2024-04-27 17:04:00 in /d/Fraud

0 votes · 12 comments