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Most trusted benzo supplier for small qty

by /u/AldoRaine · 2024-04-18 21:38:00 in /d/Xanax

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Comments by User

Homelessness by a choice
- /u/AldoRaine 29th September, 2022 - 01:55 You'll be back home at some point. Once you face some challenges and seek comfort and you'll know exactly where to go when you need it. You won't deny yourself that; unless there is something greater than comfort that you are getting for your sacrifice.

by /u/rabbi · 29th September, 2022 00:40 in /d/CafeDread

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PSA ARCHETYP Market Invite only now
- /u/AldoRaine 18th October, 2022 - 12:07 Totally agree. Ddos has gotten out of control and the lack of resiliency is causing some people to abandon the concept of Tor markets and take riskier options. I am using ip2, it's very slow, but works well enough to be a viable alternative. Yosemite mentioned that ip2 is less secure. I wonder if that is true? I did some cursory research, which is anecdotal, but indicates public opinion is that ip2 is more secure, as it uses garlic vs onion routing. That shit made me crack up :) Thanks for the insight on security.

by /u/MIsabotaj89 · 17th October, 2022 20:06 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

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PSA ARCHETYP Market Invite only now
- /u/AldoRaine 17th October, 2022 - 22:43 It's funny, because bohemia did the same exact thing as a countermeasure to ddos and the alphabay admin did not call them out for it.

Why do you take such a personal position on a market? It's just a website.

by /u/MIsabotaj89 · 17th October, 2022 20:06 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

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PSA ARCHETYP Market Invite only now
- /u/AldoRaine 17th October, 2022 - 22:41 Thanks for the link. I do not care enough to start an argument :). I was just curious. But I like what yosemite said at the end. Spot on.

by /u/MIsabotaj89 · 17th October, 2022 20:06 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

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PSA ARCHETYP Market Invite only now
- /u/AldoRaine 17th October, 2022 - 20:50 Archetyp is by far the #1 market, for site design and performance. I believe they are a more Eurocentric market. The options for my region are highly limited. But you can tell in the design there are some intelligent people there. They also offer an interesting take on market performance and exits.

I am relatively new to dread, but it's pretty clear dread is a very valuable hub for information. I would be interested to learn why an intelligent market operator doesn't have a presence on dread.

by /u/MIsabotaj89 · 17th October, 2022 20:06 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

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