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[Help] Meth is wet and clumpy. How to extract cuts out and recrystalize meth into crystals not powder
- /u/socat2me 9th December, 2021 - 08:08 Yeah first do your acetone washes and then recrystallize from there. I've had good results just using pure isopropyl alcohol for the recrystallization.

The only reason I'd recommend against suggesting the denatured alcohol is that it's often made up of different things depending on the manufacturer, but generally it has either methanol or ethanol, which are both too good at dissolving the meth. Remember when you recrystallize you actually don't want to evaporate all the way to completion unless your goal is just to grow the crystals, if you're doing recrystallization as a way to purify the meth you should have a bunch of crystals and some mother liquor, which you should pipette or decant off the crystals and then wash them a few times with some chilled solvent that's of the same system you used for the recrystallization. The reason for this is that the mother liquor will contain some impurities so you don't want to allow it to evaporate all the way.

If we're just talking about turning the meth from powder into crystals and not any purification though, I've actually heard you can get some pretty sick crystals if you just dissolve it in distilled water and then allow it to completely evaporate. You can bet your ass this takes a long time, and I can't say I've ever done it myself with meth but in theory this should grow some pretty damn big crystals if you have high purity stuff.

by /u/Xerax909 · 2021-12-08 15:40:00 in /d/DrugManufacture

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Heroin No.3
- /u/socat2me 21st December, 2021 - 06:11 Check the post I made, I put up a detailed procedure for converting any salt to it's base form and some pictures showing how I isolated relatively pure heroin base crystals. (Heroin base being #3).

by /u/D3epunderc0ver12 · 2021-12-13 13:57:00 in /d/DrugManufacture

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Freebasing Heroin & Heroin/Cocaine Base Combo
- /u/socat2me 15th December, 2021 - 18:16 Yes I've done the #4 conversion many times, although it's been quite a while now. I wanna say that I used sodium carbonate for the base and ethyl acetate for the solvent. I vaporized the result out of a bubble like you'd use for meth.

I would recommend performing the reactions separately and then taking the finished cocaine base and H base and mixing them to vape, rather than trying to extract them both together.

Hope you can get off the needle in the long run man, IV cocaine in particular is absolutely brutal for your veins because it causes such powerful vasoconstriction. They actually use pure cocaine in medicine for nasal surgeries as a local anesthetic and to reduce bleeding since it tightens up all the blood vessels so much.

by /u/pinkbrainz · 2021-12-15 16:06:00 in /d/DrugManufacture

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- /u/socat2me 22nd January, 2022 - 18:05 You can use glacial acetic acid as your acetylating agent, it's not nearly as good as acetic anhydride or acid chloride, but in order to use acetic acid perform the reaction under reflux conditions with excess acetic acid and pyridine as a catalyst. The pyridine acts as a non-nucleophilic base catalyst, grabbing the proton off of the alcohol groups and helping increasing the conversion of the acetylation reaction. I have also heard 1% of DMAP (Dimethylaminopyridine) dissolved in pyridine is a good catalyst.

Apparently you can also do the acetylation reaction using acetic acid with zirconium oxide and boron (borated zirconia) as a catalyst. Toluene for solvent and temperature over 110 degC. Not 100% sure on that last one though I just saw that in an article.

by /u/_asshole_ · 2022-01-13 13:14:00 in /d/DrugManufacture

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camphor oil
- /u/socat2me 22nd January, 2022 - 16:11 The yellow or brown oil has much higher safrole content. The mother liquor obtained from steam distillation of the camphor tree wood/roots/root bark can be processed to remove the approx 50% content camphor, and then fractionally distilled into white and brown oils, with the white oil being the lower BP fraction and containing mostly cineole and monoterpenes. See below:

C. camphora is a pest xenophyte tree species now at plague proportions in regions such as northern NSW. They exude chemicals via their roots, into the soil, which kills worms and other soil biota; via their leaves which kill aquatic organisms near leaf-drop regions, and their berries sterilise the birds which eat them. They can live for over 1200 years. The canonical work on camphor and safrole production from this tree was performed by Dr Teikichi Hiraizumi, President of Takasago Chem Industry Co, Tokyo, and can be found in the essential oils work by Guenther.

CAMPHOR OIL is obtained by steam distillation of the wood of the camphor tree Cinnamonum camphora Sieb. (Lauraceae) growing in China, Taiwan, Japan [and Australia, where it is classed as a noxious weed]. The main constituent of the crude oil is camphor (ca. 50%) which can be separated by cooling and centrifugation.

Fractionation of the mother liquor gives two oils:
1) White camphor oil is the first distillation fraction (ca 20% of the crude camphor oil). It is a colourless or nearly colourless liquid with a cineole-like odour.

2) Brown Oil of camphor is a fraction with a boiling point higher than that of camphor (ca. 20%) It is a pale yellow to brown liquid with the odour of sassafras oil.

Density 1.064-1.075; Optical rotation [ND20] 1.51 - 1.55 [alpha]d 0 to +3? Flash point 6°C. Solubility 1 vol in 2 vols of 90% ethanol.

The oil contains more than 80% safrole and, like Brazilian sassafras oil, is therefore used as raw material for the production of piperonal via isosafrole. Camphor oils with a high safrole content can also be obtained by steam distillation of the wood of Cinnamonum parthenoxylon Nees.

Three Varieties of camphor oils are produced.
Formosan Camphor oils camphor-linalool and camphor-safrole types.
Japanese Camphor oils camphor-safrole types.
Chinese Camphor oils cineole-terpineol-camphor (Apopin Oil) type.

Camphor oil "true" is produced by the steam distillation of the wood, rootstumps and branches of the type of Cinnamonum Camphora known as Hon-Sho, which grows in Formosa and Japan. [Ed Note: Hon-Sho oil holds 18.1% safrole)

Along with the crude oil comes a solid, partly crystalline mass of crude camphor. The oil is separated from the crude camphor by filterpressing. This yields crude camphor oil. The crude oil is subsequently fractionally distilled under vacuum, and yeilds another 50% of crude camphor. The remaining 50% of
filterpressed crude camphor oil is now free of camphor. It contains light terpenes, cineole, safrole, terpineol, sesquiterpenes, and sesquiterpene alcohols. These are separated into various fractions known as:
White Camphor oil The light fraction, containing cineole and monoterpenes.
Brown Camphor oil The medium heavy fraction containing up to 80% of safrole and some terpineol.

[Extended Monograph]
Brown oil of camphor is the medium heavy fraction from vacuum distillation of the camphor-free oil (aka white oil, filterpressed and camphor-free). Brown camphor oil amounts to 6 or 7 percent of the total oil, or 20-22% of the decamphorised oil. Brown oil is produced almost entirely in Formosa and Japan, from the Hon-Sho type of cinnamomum camphora, the camphor tree.

This fraction is most interesting from the perfumer's point of view. Its main constituent is safrole, and the redistilled brown camphor can be used directly in soaps for its magnificent masking effect. The safrole can be isolated from the oil and used as a starting material for heliotropine, vanillin and other perfume materials. Terpineol is also separated during the safrole-isolation and serves as is or may be transformed into terpinyl esters.

An artificial sassafras oil, "Oil Camphor Sassafrassy" is also produced from the brown oil by rectification and adjustment of the content of safrole, terpenes, etc.

Cinnamomum camphora
(root bark oil, 50-80% safrole)

var Yu-Sho Hangchow (China) - (wood oil, 2.9% safrole)

var Yu-Sho Kiukiang (China) - (wood oil, 0.8% safrole)

var Yu-Sho Nanchang (China) - (wood oil, 1.7% safrole)

var Hon-Sho (Japan) - (wood oil, 18.1% safrole)

var Ho-Sho (China) - (wood oil, 0.2% safrole)

Ho-Sho (Formosa) - (wood oil, 7.8% safrole)

Taken from erowid[DOT]org/archive/rhodium/chemistry/safrolefaq[DOT]html

by /u/aiconro · 2022-01-22 14:06:00 in /d/DrugManufacture

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