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Trading XMR without a CC
- /u/MadHatterExpressed 4th April, 2024 - 16:11 Understanding that (Thanks for the clarification rather then being snarky) your best route in my humble opinion would be to buy a KYC Verified exchange account to trade it with (feel free to connect if you do take this route. Else wise unforunately I don't know another way)

by /u/xml-fafa · 2024-04-04 01:46:00 in /d/Monero

0 votes · 11 comments

Trading XMR without a CC
- /u/MadHatterExpressed 4th April, 2024 - 01:55 crypto exchanges are highly regulated to a point it's no difference to a bank. Regardless your best bet would to be purchase a verified crypto account. But if you don't want to link CC you'd have to bank transfer still.

Your intentions aren't clear though, if you don't want to link a CC, or bank, or create an account. No there isn't a way to purchase crypto without doing that. You CAN however purchase a Crypto voucher to redeem on them (with a purchased account. But this requires crypto to begin with. Or trade a voucher for one) or use a virtual card to buy crypto so you don't provide your actual card information.

by /u/xml-fafa · 2024-04-04 01:46:00 in /d/Monero

0 votes · 11 comments

Tried downloading like 5 times already!
- /u/MadHatterExpressed 27th December, 2023 - 03:49 Sounds like an anti virus or browser anti virus is stopping it.

by /u/Deadlinepassed · 2023-12-27 03:25:00 in /d/Tails

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People, believe the guys here!
- /u/MadHatterExpressed 4th April, 2024 - 16:47 Well; AT least a few people are catching on... Cloning hasn't been legitimate in years. and wasn't ever widely sold. Why would anyone sell a card that can be cashed by a runner in 5 minutes.

by /u/jeng1112 · 2024-04-04 15:07:00 in /d/Carding

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Socks Provider?
- /u/MadHatterExpressed 4th April, 2024 - 16:44 Perhaps, Just a thought. Don't buy those IPs? You can preview IPs if I'm not mistaken (Been a moment since I used my own faceless) and view the ISP.

by /u/triangleye · 2024-04-04 15:44:00 in /d/Carding

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