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THE GOLDEN ROAD -- LSD GELS $1.2/tab-$5.3/tab, LSD LIQUID $175/vial-$199/vial, MDMA/MDA $17-$54/g, KET $27/g-$58/g
- /u/zachcity7 🍼 12th April, 2024 - 00:53 Do you know the exact chem that's in the "lsd" ? I know there's a couple things people substitute for lsd, it has similar effects but is shit.

by /u/thegoldenroad · 2024-04-11 22:38:00 in /d/DrugHub

0 votes · 2 comments

Hiring someone USA based
- /u/zachcity7 🍼 12th April, 2024 - 00:48 West coast

by /u/igotbiggied · 2024-04-11 23:46:00 in /d/Fraud

0 votes · 4 comments

Stole CC's in backpacks, looking way to get cash/crypto
- /u/zachcity7 🍼 7th April, 2024 - 03:03 Boy, find a better way to be apart of the fraud/scam community. SMH. I'll put a caprisun in the freezer for you.

by /u/TaikyIndeed · 2024-04-07 02:19:00 in /d/Carding

0 votes · 10 comments

page to buy legitimate credit card
- /u/zachcity7 🍼 7th April, 2024 - 02:57 [removed by moderators]

by /u/AresGriego · 2024-04-07 02:47:00 in /d/Carding

0 votes · 6 comments

Mom and Pop OXY Shop!
- /u/zachcity7 🍼 5th April, 2024 - 05:57 That is quite the stock...I will be looking into this further

Is it a typo like you have the yellow R039 school busses or you actually have R031 bars?

by /u/hydronerd · 2024-04-05 04:19:00 in /d/Opiates

0 votes · 8 comments