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Hydrocodone Powder?
- /u/socat2me 26th October, 2021 - 14:08 It's extremely, extremely, unlikely. I knew someone who worked at a processing plant for a big USA pharma manufacturing facility. They made all kinds of narcotics there. To get the morphine they use large scale extraction of poppy straw for the alkaloids, and then separate. That's the only way you're going to get the starting material. It's just too ridiculous of a total synthesis to make any of the alkaloids from precursors. Any clandestine chemist out there with the pure morphine base that they extracted is just going to perform an acylation with acetic anhydride or similar acylating reaction in order to make pure heroin, because in terms of a profit basis after all that work you would be absolutely fucking insane not to.

by /u/HydroPowder080 · 2021-10-25 05:32:00 in /d/DrugManufacture

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Best to make at home for selling?
- /u/socat2me 5th November, 2021 - 08:04 Damn man your timing is pretty unfortunate given that every goddamn precursor on earth is hard to get now. Even a lot of the RC labs in China have closed up shop.

I'm sure there are people out there who sell precursors but they're harder to come across. You really need to watch out for LE traps and honeypots too. Even if you manage to get ahold of something crazy like pure psuedoephedrine or safrole oil then you still have a ways to go.

These days I think most clandestine chemists are having to start from pretty raw materials and do difficult multiple-stage reactions to first synthesize the precursors.

Either way, you'd need a pretty good lab setup and even if you have decent organic chem knowledge you still would need a fair amount of practice setting up and using all the equipment before tackling any big projects.

I saw where someone published a new way to make ketamine that was pretty easy (as far as these things usually go). Multistep reaction that started by reacting a sort of grignard reagent with cyclohexanone and then oxidizing it.

by /u/RenzonKylok · 2021-11-05 06:53:00 in /d/DrugManufacture

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Ecstacy and antidepressant
- /u/socat2me 6th December, 2021 - 17:46 Hmm well most phenethylamine salts have metabolic pathways that are effected by pH a lot, if you took tums and antacids ahead of time that would likely result in longer effect time and slight potentiation.

by /u/frintgo399 · 2021-12-03 04:16:00 in /d/DrugManufacture

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Ecstacy and antidepressant
- /u/socat2me 3rd December, 2021 - 05:35 Nah from what I've seen if anything you get less high. I had a buddy who was on effexor and couldn't roll for shit no matter how much he took. That one works on serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine tho. You run the risk of serotonin syndrome but I don't think that equates to feeling more high.

by /u/frintgo399 · 2021-12-03 04:16:00 in /d/DrugManufacture

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Acetic anhydride /ethanoyl chloride..; need help find something similar
- /u/socat2me 4th December, 2021 - 16:49 You could try acetyl chloride. You might have to make it if you can't get it, apparently you can make acetyl chloride from acetic acid, acetonitrile, and HCl.

You should also be able to make it using phosphorous chloride reactions, since that's a general method for conversion of carboxylic acids to acyl chlorides. See here (replace [DOT] with period, and of course, clearnet link: https://chem.libretexts[DOT]org/Bookshelves/Organic_Chemistry/Supplemental_Modules_(Organic_Chemistry)/Acid_Halides/Synthesis_of_Acid_Halides/Preparation_of_Acyl_Chlorides

The only thing is the above methods apparently often produce a product contaminated with phosphorous impurities.

You could make dichloroacetyl chloride and react that with acetic acid to get acetyl chloride.

You can synthesize the dichlorozacetyl chloride by oxidation of 1,1,2-trichloroethane, carboxylation of chloroform, or hydrolysis of pentachloroethane.

It's a real bitch I had some pure morphine a one point but was never able to do the conversion because there was just always something I ran into that I couldn't get, or there was a reaction or workup that was too much to do in a home lab

by /u/D3epunderc0ver12 · 2021-12-04 16:32:00 in /d/DrugManufacture

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