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Acetic anhydride /ethanoyl chloride..; need help find something similar

by /u/D3epunderc0ver12 · 0 votes · 2021-12-04 16:32:00

Trying to refine this morphine brick into heroin diacetylmorphine

the directions say I need acetic anhydride/ ethanoyl chloride, but its very hard to get where I am

anything similar to those compounds that would help me get to the final product?

ive never done this , any help would be greatly appreciated

Comments (1)
/u/socat2me · N/A votes · 4th December, 2021 - 16:49 · Link

You could try acetyl chloride. You might have to make it if you can't get it, apparently you can make acetyl chloride from acetic acid, acetonitrile, and HCl. You should also be able to make it using phosphorous chloride reactions, since that's a general method for conversion of carboxylic acids to acyl chlorides. See here (replace [DOT] with period, and of course, clearnet link: https://chem.libretexts[DOT]org/Bookshelves/Organic_Chemistry/Supplemental_Modules_(Organic_Chemistry)/Acid_Halides/Synthesis_of_Acid_Halides/Preparation_of_Acyl_Chlorides The only thing is the above methods apparently often produce a product contaminated with phosphorous impurities. You could make dichloroacetyl chloride and react that with acetic acid to get acetyl chloride. You can synthesize the dichlorozacetyl chloride by oxidation of 1,1,2-trichloroethane, carboxylation of chloroform, or hydrolysis of pentachloroethane. It's a real bitch I had some pure morphine a one point but was never able to do the conversion because there was just always something I ran into that I couldn't get, or there was a reaction or workup that was too much to do in a home lab

/u/D3epunderc0ver12 · N/A votes · 4th December, 2021 - 16:56 · Link

really appreciate the reply!