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Having access to cards
- /u/MadHatterExpressed 31st March, 2024 - 19:01 And again we go, 90% of businesses even more so the ones you named. Don't have access to full card details. At best they have auth writes stored in their POS.

by /u/lopezz · 2024-03-31 17:39:00 in /d/Carding

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asking for any vouches
- /u/MadHatterExpressed 31st March, 2024 - 18:59 Looks like a duck, acts like a duck, sounds like a duck, walks like a duck.

Wonder what it could be.

Always trust your gut and if you don't have money to lose don't even think about it. There is no such thing as instant refund. And if someone's name doesn't come up in vendor search or even dread. They don't have vouches

by /u/pushingpoly · 2024-03-31 18:34:00 in /d/Refunds

0 votes · 2 comments

How to use the cards safely
- /u/MadHatterExpressed 31st March, 2024 - 21:00 Keep reading you're missing a lot of information right now

by /u/tree_face29 · 2024-03-31 19:24:00 in /d/Carding

0 votes · 2 comments