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Apache Market
- /u/MadHatterExpressed 14th March, 2024 - 21:15 Interested as to why. (If it's any different then a normal web page. As I presume it is)

by /u/ApacheMarket · 2024-03-09 16:53:00 in /d/newmarkets

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Rate my OPSEC.
- /u/MadHatterExpressed 2nd April, 2024 - 02:54 OP. You're missing key elements as someone else said much less kind. Depending on your threat module and actual goal (you say campaign so I imagine phirishing?) you're going to want to dump every bit of setup you have right now.

This is VERY generalized so expect to customize and research it all.

Host OS = Qubes/Whonix setup, good template is Vault (No access anywhere), Kleopatra (No netVM), Keepass (No netVM), appVM for browsing & one respectively for logged in things, and a netVM for routing through TOR & VPNs (Each their own VM to avoid tunnel issues)

After that. You can setup a Qube for Windows (If you need it for some reason. But you never should. If you need windows use a hacked RDP and clean logs after)

Even just that bare bone setup is more secure than running W11 VM or not. Anyway, without your goal, and threat module. Can't be of more help. There is no "opsec guideline" as it's based on operations. So nothing to rate with that info you gave

by /u/affectno · 2024-04-01 17:53:00 in /d/OpSec

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Rate my OPSEC.
- /u/MadHatterExpressed 2nd April, 2024 - 20:44 Replies, posts, karma, none of that determines how much someone cares. Determines length and activeness on a platform, along with the amount of positive review they receive. as Opsec is so important I presume (Healthily) everyone should dig into that. It is not on me if they choose not too.

Aside that; You're continuing to make faulty claims without backing it up. "What you are saying is contradicting the DNB" what exactly? And where did I do that from the DNB? If you're referencing VPNs. At no time does it mention VPNs can dampen opsec. If I'm not mistaken it even mentions not to use public VPNs, Things like OpenVPN, Mullvlad, Another VPN service like OpenVPN exists but I'd forgot the name... Etc. Those are acceptable choices.

Now to counterpoint the small segment cherry picked from the bible... Which I will not be further engaging in.

More hops isn't better. That's correct. Now, do you know the difference in hops vs layering? Likely not. We'll forgive that matter and not even dive into that as there is a more clear solution I explained above in this message.

Thinking logically, Why would having 1 consistent entry guard become an issue? Oh yeah; if that TOR Node is compromised. They can see the inbound connection! Now lets think like this. That could be our ACTUAL IP. Or a VPN that doesn't co-op with LE. (As listed above). Having a single entry point won't affect as much as you presume. I'm not contradicting the bible I'm adding ontop of it. as the bible is BARE BASICS. and that setup is meant for a common buyer with very low risk vector or threat module.

Again; it's use case specific if a VPN is needed. but when done properly they'll always be an aid to security. the fact people are blindly following the bible and arguing it without research defeats the purpose OF the bible... It was made to educate and guide people along. Not an end all be all.

(Look, I came off rude earlier and offensive even in this text. My goal is not to argue with you or anger anyone. I'm trying to educate OP and now you and that's it. so I apologize for anything taken out of color)

by /u/affectno · 2024-04-01 17:53:00 in /d/OpSec

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Rate my OPSEC.
- /u/MadHatterExpressed 2nd April, 2024 - 17:44 Elaborate, As you are sounding like you have no idea what you're talking about. as using a *correct* VPN can NEVER worsen opsec. It can damper activities like carding due to the headers & lower connection speeds. but it won't harm opsec. I agree with your points. but there isn't really a bible that explains above bare bones tails setup. I encourage them to learn aswell but there is no point responding to a post if you aren't going to provide information or sources to learn in the least.

You can be a dick all you'd want. but it breaks subdread rules for no reason but to be a jerk wad about it lol

by /u/affectno · 2024-04-01 17:53:00 in /d/OpSec

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Rate my OPSEC.
- /u/MadHatterExpressed 2nd April, 2024 - 02:49 There is a difference in being critical and an asshole. Pointing it out bluntly. That's critical. Refusing to elaborate? That's a dick move just to try and degrade.

by /u/affectno · 2024-04-01 17:53:00 in /d/OpSec

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