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I have locked down this sub

by /u/Shakybeats · 3rd March, 2023 23:52 in /d/AlphaBay

0 votes · 8 comments

FREE XMR 0.3 Poll

by /u/Nosebeers · 18th February, 2024 10:04 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 40 comments

Monopoly Vendor Relocation List

by /u/TTTz · 2022-01-02 16:52:00 in /d/Monopoly

0 votes · 71 comments

Voting for "Birthday" word defintion- Reward amount $200

by /u/nasyer · 2nd August, 2022 15:05 in /d/AnythingGoes

0 votes · 25 comments

Posts by User

PSA - Beware scammers/phishers!

by /u/dontlaugh · 13th October, 2023 21:38 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

0 votes · 14 comments

Deleted or banned?

by /u/dontlaugh · 2021-02-10 18:07:00 in /d/Monopoly

0 votes · 4 comments

crossposting change

by /u/dontlaugh · 23rd March, 2022 03:32 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 5 comments


by /u/dontlaugh · 25th August, 2022 03:15 in /d/ReviewsOz

0 votes · 5 comments

Comments by User

Welcome To EndGame V2. Time Will Tell.
- /u/dontlaugh 23rd March, 2021 - 05:49 tyvm :)

by /u/Paris · 23rd March, 2021 05:02 in /d/EndGame

0 votes · 36 comments

Beware. Monopoly Markets false Bitcoin amounts.
- /u/dontlaugh Darknet Shaman 20th July, 2021 - 07:32 i guess we'll agree to disagree. I have to make a judgement call, and to be fair i didn't ban straight away. I gave a warning asking him to adjust the language to get his point across so i don't have to do anything. he decided to go on the offensive once again. doesn't give me much room to maneuver.

I've banned plenty for the same thing. I've also defended markets and removed posts. none of which you see. like most things, there are multiple perspectives. he wasn't banned forever.

by /u/bobbydoogan · 19th July, 2021 09:31 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

0 votes · 29 comments

Beware. Monopoly Markets false Bitcoin amounts.
- /u/dontlaugh Darknet Shaman 20th July, 2021 - 03:14 i banned a scammer and told them to fuck off in that post. not quite the same.

by /u/bobbydoogan · 19th July, 2021 09:31 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

0 votes · 29 comments