
N/A subscribers


Syntax, the ghost of dread

by /u/Hourglass · 0 votes · 14th March, 2024 20:47

Since time immemorial, a ghost named /u/Syntax has haunted dread since its inception, only making appearances on rare occasions.
We don't know who he is, where he comes from, or why he is there.....
But he is, I'm totally sure he's reading this right now, even if we assume he's dead, he's there.
Manifest yourself or reincarnate on my body, tell me your nightmares and dreams, let me be you and I will let you be me!
Telepathically of course, we don't want to get anyone pregnant.

Comments (8)
/u/Pneumonia · N/A votes · 14th March, 2024 - 21:21 · Link

Yeah but what happened to /u/Syntax credit score though, seems like someone was on a mission to discredit him so bad

/u/Hourglass · N/A votes · 14th March, 2024 - 21:23 · Link

Seems like it... Maybe another ghost from immemorial times?

/u/Pneumonia · N/A votes · 14th March, 2024 - 22:17 · Link

Definitely yes, ghost of tsushima

/u/MIgBachine · N/A votes · 14th March, 2024 - 21:25 · Link

i did read, it was me btw how did you know? wtf are you a glownigga??

/u/MIgBachine · N/A votes · 14th March, 2024 - 21:27 · Link

holy hell 6 years is insane, how long has dread been up for?!, well on and off for how long?!

/u/Hourglass · N/A votes · 14th March, 2024 - 21:31 · Link

Dread has been around since 2018!

/u/MsLadyMelody · N/A votes · 14th March, 2024 - 21:33 · Link

Syntax was an OG that never stuck around.. He only tolerated us for the year he was active be cause he had to. Even then, he still didn't want to.

/u/Hourglass · N/A votes · 14th March, 2024 - 21:44 · Link

"Tolerated us" Barely talked, maybe he was shy? Who knows my dear future wife! :)

/u/MIgBachine · N/A votes · 14th March, 2024 - 22:58 · Link

how sweet of you sweety! use that word more often!! makes me blush

/u/MsLadyMelody · N/A votes · 15th March, 2024 - 02:40 · Link

Don't be flirting with him.. There's only enough in his Hourglass for one of us.

/u/MIgBachine · N/A votes · 15th March, 2024 - 02:43 · Link

trust me honey, HE does not care about you.

/u/Shakybeats · N/A votes · 14th March, 2024 - 21:59 · Link

Rumor has it if you say his name 3 times in a mirror he will appear behind you. Same goes if you take 3 feet pictures and write /u/hugbunter on them. He is still around I guess you could say /u/Syntax is in charge of our complaints department. If you have any complaints about Dread send him a message and he will get back to you in 3-5 years.

/u/MIgBachine · N/A votes · 14th March, 2024 - 23:00 · Link

i did just that 3 times but /u/Hourglass appeared instead i can't get him off my mind

/u/Hourglass · N/A votes · 14th March, 2024 - 23:15 · Link


/u/Kwik-go · N/A votes · 15th March, 2024 - 02:10 · Link

You mean peeeekaboooooo!!! Show dem feets!!!

/u/white_thrash · N/A votes · 14th March, 2024 - 23:01 · Link

You don't know who /u/Syntax is? It's my dealer for synths & Xanax as his name shows .from where are we from and why are we here better you guess it

/u/white_thrash · N/A votes · 14th March, 2024 - 23:03 · Link

Well, to be honest , he is not , he was , he is convicted since approx 6 years ago...no,no o won't tell you why was he jailed neither

/u/MIgBachine · N/A votes · 14th March, 2024 - 23:06 · Link

IRC, weed?

/u/white_thrash · N/A votes · 14th March, 2024 - 23:11 · Link

Just kidding mate. Fortunately we don't know who, where and why of 99% users here

/u/blackhub · N/A votes · 14th March, 2024 - 23:57 · Link

He's lost within time, may his spirit wander in peace. Hail /u/Syntax

/u/Kwik-go · N/A votes · 15th March, 2024 - 02:11 · Link

RIP /u/Syntax

/u/notimetothink · N/A votes · 15th March, 2024 - 07:21 · Link

with only 5 comments, he truely is a ghost

/u/BigBossChefOfArchetyp · N/A votes · 15th March, 2024 - 11:05 · Link

Syntax is still active just with a different username, he even made a comment within the last couple hours here on dread

/u/Hourglass · N/A votes · 15th March, 2024 - 13:00 · Link

Reveal his true identity.... Are YOU syntax?