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Syntax, the ghost of dread

by /u/Hourglass · 0 votes · 14th March, 2024 20:47

Since time immemorial, a ghost named /u/Syntax has haunted dread since its inception, only making appearances on rare occasions.
We don't know who he is, where he comes from, or why he is there.....
But he is, I'm totally sure he's reading this right now, even if we assume he's dead, he's there.
Manifest yourself or reincarnate on my body, tell me your nightmares and dreams, let me be you and I will let you be me!
Telepathically of course, we don't want to get anyone pregnant.

User: /u/MIgBachine

holy hell 6 years is insane, how long has dread been up for?!, well on and off for how long?!